留学ps怎么写?出国留学ps模板After passing out of engineering college in 1999 with distinction and honors in my Bachelor of engineering, I had the opportunity to join an organization as an engineer in the production department。

The company was well known world wide for its quality products and superior engineering。 It was there that I realized that the primary objective of any industry was to generate profits by manufacturing products at a reasonable cost。

Thus my interest started leaning more towards the financial aspect of the organization。 Since then I have been enthralled by the role that finance plays in any industry。

It was then that I decided to go in for an MBA in finance。 The realization that the prospects for growth were enormous came to me during my two years on the shop floor。

It always been my dream to work upwards in an organization and I believe that an MBA from your esteemed institution will help me in achieving that goal。

I believe that your institution can provide me a platform from where I can tackle all types of problems in my professional career。

The opportunity I seek now is to build overall competence, maximizing my strengths and ionizing whatever weaknesses of youth and inexperience I may have。

I want to specialize in Finance; to be in the forefront of modern knowledge in the field of specialization。 I want to be trained in an institution that combines a high level of academic research with professionalism and expertise in modern methods of teaching and learning。

And this must be in a country that has made innovative breakthroughs in technology, production, marketing management and finance the United States of America。

I want to acquire analytical skills necessary for proper appraisal of financial problems for example, and develop a financial culture suitable for a fast-growing economy which has got lot to catch up with-the Indian economy。

The education I seek must be one that helps me make sensible investment and financial decision and perhaps teach others through the service of consultancy and counsel。

I am looking for an intensive learning environment where I can develop。(a) A critical understanding of the body of knowledge and research relating to business and management。

(b) An ability to exercise judgment as to the appropriateness and potential value of concepts, models and techniques learned to the effective management of an organization backed。



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