
Unit 7 The Fundamentals of Computer


Text 1 Data Structure


1. Multiple choices.

(1) The attributes of the stack are ( A ).


C. queue D. built into their circuitry

(2) Queues that occur everyday life can be seen ( ABCD ).

A. in an emergency room of a hospital

B. in certain societies lacking equality

C. as people waiting for service at a bank

D. as automobiles waiting for a traffic light

(3) A stack protocol can be used for ( C ).

A. subroutine calls

B. operation of arithmetic expressions

C. removing the latest element inserted

D. removing the earliest element inserted

(4) The operations of a structured data type might act on ( ABCD ).

A. a stack

B. the values of the data type

C. component elements of the data structure

D. a queue

2. Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

(1) The operations of a structured data type only act on the values of the data type. (×)

(2) A stack is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. (√)

(3) A stack is a data type whose data structure is said to have a first-in/last-out (FILO) behavior, or protocol. (√)

(4) The series of jobs awaiting execution is called a queue. (√)

(5) The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-come/first-served rule. (√)

3. Translate and analyze the following sentences.

(1) A data structure is a data type whose values are composed of component elements that

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