
Hey,guys, This is Jack from Shanghai. How's evering going?
Today I'll share with you my feelings about listening music as well as singing a song.

About music, the top 4 points I care about are pace(节奏),melody(旋律) ,acustic quality(歌手的音质)and sense of views(画面感).A good music for me is one that let me think of some memories,arouses my passion towards beauty or opens up my minds to think about some something funny .

Along with being a music listener, I also enjoy of being an amateur singer. The best memories of singing songs lays upon the days in junior high school.During that period, we have a weekly routine that there would be 2~3 guys giving perform in music class. And that routine, brings me with best memories among the limited days I have covered compared with the long journey of a human being's life.You may got it,Yes,I am one of the most positive participants. I like to give performances(usually songs), and like the way of showing my nice feelings to people around me.

The influence of music is good. Sometimes, a good music works as a life tutor for me, and more often as not,let me think positive towards those shitty stuff or person I meet with in daily life. I have favour in melody,because it's a good way to open up your mind, let you pay attention to nice feelings and let go those sad,frustrated and embarrased sufferings. By the way, singing songs arouses girls' screeming and favor, which is also a good thing for a single dog like me(just be kidding,hahaha).

I took a walk on the school yard this afternoon. Sunshine is warm and comfortable. So I got an idea."To record songs!" The following are links of 2 that I just recorded. Hope you will enjoy it.Thank you

music links:

漂洋过海来看你 (Floating with oceans to see you on the other half of the world)

爱的代价   (The price of love)

[picture of the school yard]

Good night and sweet dreams.




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