
专业技术人员电力英语水平考试教程电力专业英语阅读2012年版目录第一章 电网类- 1 -1. Feature of power generation- 1 -2. Power system- 1 -3. Primary equipment in power system- 1 -4. Secondary equipment in power system- 2 -5. Grounding of power system- 2 -6. Load of power system- 2 -7. Power network- 3 -8. The operation mode of power network- 3 -9. Neutral grounding modes of power network- 3 -10. Functions of power transmission- 4 -11. Voltage classes- 4 -12. Power quality- 4 -13. The power grid frequency in our country- 4 -14. Regulation of power grid frequency- 5 -15. Harmonics in power system- 5 -16. Voltage regulation in power network- 5 -17. Basic conditions of safe and stable operation- 6 -18. Voltage/ reactive power control- 6 -19. Power control of power network- 6 -20. Closed loop operation of power grid- 7 -21. Power system stability- 7 -22. Reactive power compensation equipment- 7 -23. Shunt reactor of transmission line- 8 -24. Switching overvoltage- 8 -25. Insulation coordination- 8 -26. The black start-up of power network- 9 -27. Primary energy problem- 9 -28. Grids today- 10 -29. Future T The networks are connected closely to each other; The voltage classes are simplified.2. Power systemElectric power is generated in power station power plant. Now most of the electrical energy generated come from the conversion of chemical energy of fossil fuels coal, petroleum and natural gas, nuclear fission energy and the kinetic energy of water, and the electric power generated are referred to as fossil-fired power, nuclear power and hydro power, respectively.The voltage is usually transed to a high level at power plant and then the electric power is transmitted to load center areas via high voltage or extra-high voltage transmission lines. Before electric power is delivered to the electric power consumers users, there may be more voltage transations step-down at primary substations and local substations. At distribution substations electric power is directly delivered to electric users via feeders at low voltage. Thus the entire system consisting electrically of power stations, substations, power consumers, transmission lines and feeders is called a power system. In functional terms, a power system includes power generati6n, power transmission, power transation, power distribution and power utilization.3. Primary equipment in power systemThe equipments in power system can be divided into primary equipments and secondary equipments. The primary equipments of an electric power system refer to the equipments that generate, transmit and distribute the power energy directly. By these equipments the power is sent from power plant to consumers.The primary equipments in electric power system include equipments for power generation and transation, such as generators and transers; switchgears for circuit connection or disconnection, such as the circuit breaker, isolating switch, fuse; equipments for limiting fault current and preventing overvoltage, such as reactor and lightning arrester; grounding devices; current-carrying conductors; current transer, potential transer, etc4. Secondary equipment in power systemThe secondary equipments in power sy

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