本文翻译自:Deleting Objects in JavaScript

I'm a bit confused with JavaScript's delete operator. 我对JavaScript的delete操作符有点困惑。 Take the following piece of code: 采取以下代码:

var obj = {helloText: "Hello World!"
};var foo = obj;delete obj;

After this piece of code has been executed, obj is null , but foo still refers to an object exactly like obj . 在执行了这段代码之后, objnull ,但是foo仍然引用与obj完全相同的obj I'm guessing this object is the same object that foo pointed to. 我猜这个对象与foo指向的对象相同。

This confuses me, because I expected that writing delete obj deleted the object that obj was pointing to in memory—not just the variable obj . 这让我感到困惑,因为我期望写delete obj删除了obj指向内存的对象 - 而不仅仅是变量obj

Is this because JavaScript's Garbage Collector is working on a retain/release basis, so that if I didn't have any other variables pointing to the object, it would be removed from memory? 这是因为JavaScript的垃圾回收工作在保留/释放的基础,所以,如果我没有指向对象的任何其他变量, 它从内存中删除?

(By the way, my testing was done in Safari 4.) (顺便说一句,我的测试是在Safari 4中完成的。)




based on @Guffa 's answer. 根据@Guffa的回答。 I found the following method works for me: 我发现以下方法适合我:

var obj = {helloText: "Hello World!"
};obj = null;delete obj;

By setting the obj to null first, you removed all the reference to it, then you can delete it completely. 通过首先将obj设置为null ,您删除了对它的所有引用,然后您可以完全删除它。

I didn't test it on other browser, but this works in phonegap 1.7.0 我没有在其他浏览器上测试它,但这适用于phonegap 1.7.0


Aside from the GC questions, for performance one should consider the optimizations that the browser may be doing in the background -> 除了GC问题,对于性能,我们应该考虑浏览器可能在后台进行的优化 - >

http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/11/05/writing-fast-memory-efficient-javascript/ http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012/11/05/writing-fast-memory-efficient-javascript/

It appears it may be better to null the reference than to delete it as that may change the behind-the-scenes 'class' Chrome uses. 看起来删除引用可能比删除它更好,因为这可能会改变Chrome使用的幕后“类”。


I stumbled across this article in my search for this same answer. 我在寻找同样的答案时偶然发现了这篇文章。 What I ended up doing is just popping out obj.pop() all the stored values/objects in my object so I could reuse the object. 我最终做的只是弹出obj.pop()我对象中的所有存储值/对象,以便我可以重用该对象。 Not sure if this is bad practice or not. 不确定这是不好的做法。 This technique came in handy for me testing my code in Chrome Dev tools or FireFox Web Console. 这种技术对我在Chrome开发工具或FireFox Web控制台中测试代码非常方便。


Setting a variable to null makes sure to break any references to objects in all browsers including circular references being made between the DOM elements and Javascript scopes. 将变量设置为null可确保在所有浏览器中中断对对象的任何引用,包括在DOM元素和Javascript范围之间进行循环引用。 By using delete command we are marking objects to be cleared on the next run of the Garbage collection, but if there are multiple variables referencing the same object, deleting a single variable WILL NOT free the object, it will just remove the linkage between that variable and the object. 通过使用delete命令,我们在下一次运行Garbage集合时标记要清除的对象,但是如果有多个变量引用同一个对象,则删除单个变量将不释放该对象,它将只删除该变量之间的链接和对象。 And on the next run of the Garbage collection, only the variable will be cleaned. 并且在下一次运行垃圾收集时,只会清除变量。


Just found a jsperf you may consider interesting in light of this matter. 刚刚发现了一个jsperf你可能会认为这件事很有趣。 (it could be handy to keep it around to complete the picture) (保持它完成图片可能很方便)

It compares delete , setting null and setting undefined . 它比较delete ,设置null和设置undefined

But keep in mind that it tests the case when you delete/set property many times. 但请记住,当您多次删除/设置属性时,它会测试这种情况。


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