一、Commons BeanUtils

二、Commons CLI

三、Commons Codec

四、Commons Collections

五、Commons Configuration

六、Commons DBCP
说明:Database Connection pool, Tomcat就是用的这个,不用我多说了吧,要用的自己去网站上看说明。

七、Commons DbUtils

七1、Commons FileUpload

八、Commons HttpClient

九、Commons IO

十、Commons JXPath

十一、Commons Lang
说明:这个工具包可以看成是对java.lang的扩展。提供了诸如StringUtils, StringEscapeUtils, RandomStringUtils, Tokenizer, WordUtils等工具类。

十二、Commons Logging

十三、Commons Math
说明:看名字你就应该知道这个包是用来干嘛的了吧。这个包提供的功能有些和Commons Lang重复了,但是这个包更专注于做数学工具,功能更强大。

十四、Commons Net
1. FTP
4. POP3
5. Telnet
7. Finger
8. Whois
9. rexec/rcmd/rlogin
10. Time (rdate) and Daytime
11. Echo
12. Discard

十五、Commons Validator

十六、Commons Virtual File System

2. FTP
3. Local Files
6. Temporary Files
7. WebDAV
8. Zip, Jar and Tar (uncompressed, tgz or tbz2)
9. gzip and bzip2
10. res
11. ram

十七、Commons Transaction

十六、Commons Proxy
说明: 动态代理,拦截器一类的东西

十八、Commons pool
说明: 创建新的对象并初始化的操作,可能会消耗很多的时间。
Apache的commons pool组件是我们实现对象池化技术的良好助手。

十九、Commons Launcher

二十、Commons Bean Scripting Framework(BSF)
说明:是一个支持在Java应用程序内调用脚本语言 (Script),并且支持脚本语言直接访问Java对象和方法的一个开源项目。有了它 , 你就能在java application中使用javascript, Python, XSLT, Perl, tcl, ……等一大堆scripting language
. 反过来也可以,就是在这些scripting language中调用任何已经注册过了的JavaBean,java object。它提供了完整的API实现通过Java访问脚本语言的引擎。

二十一、Commons chain
说明: 可以在你需要定义和执行一些顺序操作的时候采用Commons Chain。

二十二、Commons Compress
说明: 是一个压缩、解压缩文件的类库。可以操作ar, cpio, Unix dump, tar, zip, gzip, XZ, Pack200 and bzip2格式的文件,功能比较强大

二十三、Commons Discovery
说明: 组件被用以查找可插拔接口的实现实例,它提供了一种通用的实例化这些实现的方式,而且可以管理单例(工厂)的生命周期。

二十四、 commons exec
说明: Apache Commons Exec 是 Apache 上的一个 Java 项目,提供一些常用的方法用来执行外部进程,如下面代码所示:

String line = "AcroRd32.exe /p /h " + file.getAbsolutePath();
CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.parse(line);
DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(60000);
int exitValue = executor.execute(commandLine);

二十五、commons jelly
说明:Jelly能够把XML转换成可执行代码,所以Jelly是一个基于XML与Java的脚本和处理引擎。 Jelly借鉴了JSP定指标签,Velocity, Cocoon和Xdoclet中的脚本引擎的许多优点。Jelly可以用在命令行,Ant或者Servlet之中


Apache Commons工具集简介 http://www.cnblogs.com/jackyrong/archive/2006/10/15/529599.html

apache 和 卡车的区别: apache是一辆卡车,上面可以装一些东西如html等。但是不能装水,要装水必须要有容器(桶),而这个桶也可以不放在卡车上。(虽然不太适合放在这里,但是懒一把)。

Components Description Latest Version Released
BCEL Byte Code Engineering Library - analyze, create, and manipulate Java class files 5.2 2006-06-07
BeanUtils Easy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs. 1.9.2 2014-05-29
BSF Bean Scripting Framework - interface to scripting languages, including JSR-223 3.1 2010-24-06
Chain Chain of Responsibility pattern implemention. 1.2 2008-06-02
CLI Command Line arguments parser. 1.3.1 2015-06-17
Codec General encoding/decoding algorithms (for example phonetic, base64, URL). 1.10 2014-11-09
Collections Extends or augments the Java Collections Framework. 4.1 2015-11-27
Compress Defines an API for working with tar, zip and bzip2 files. 1.12 2016-06-21
Configuration Reading of configuration/preferences files in various formats. 2.0 2016-03-24
Crypto A cryptographic library optimized with AES-NI wrapping Openssl or JCE algorithm implementations. 1.0 2016-??-??
CSV Component for reading and writing comma separated value files. 1.4 2016-05-28
Daemon Alternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code. 1.0.15 2013-04-03
DBCP Database connection pooling services. 2.1.1 2015-08-06
DbUtils JDBC helper library. 1.6 2014-07-20
Digester XML-to-Java-object mapping utility. 3.2 2011-12-13
Discovery Tools for locating resources by mapping service/reference names to resource names. 0.5 2011-05-05
EL Interpreter for the Expression Language defined by the JSP 2.0 specification. 1.0 2003-06-18
Email Library for sending e-mail from Java. 1.4 2015-05-23
Exec API for dealing with external process execution and environment management in Java. 1.3 2014-11-06
FileUpload File upload capability for your servlets and web applications. 1.3.2 2016-05-26
Functor A functor is a function that can be manipulated as an object, or an object representing a single, generic function. 1.0 2011-??-??
Imaging (previously called Sanselan) A pure-Java image library. 0.97-incubator 2009-02-20
IO Collection of I/O utilities. 2.5 2016-04-21
JCI Java Compiler Interface 1.1 2013-10-14
JCS Java Caching System 1.3 2007-06-11
Jelly XML based scripting and processing engine. 1.0 2005-06-16
Jexl Expression language which extends the Expression Language of the JSTL. 3.0 2015-12-27
JXPath Utilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax. 1.3 2008-08-14
Lang Provides extra functionality for classes in java.lang. 3.4 2015-04-06
Launcher Cross platform Java application launcher. 1.1 2004-08-22
Logging Wrapper around a variety of logging API implementations. 1.2 2014-07-11
Math Lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components. 3.5 2015-04-17
Modeler Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with JMX specification. 2.0.1 2007-06-25
Net Collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. 3.5 2016-05-05
OGNL An Object-Graph Navigation Language 4.0 2013-??-??
Pool Generic object pooling component. 2.4.2 2015-08-01
Proxy Library for creating dynamic proxies. 1.0 2008-02-28
SCXML An implementation of the State Chart XML specification aimed at creating and maintaining a Java SCXML engine.
It is capable of executing a state machine defined using a SCXML document, and abstracts out the environment interfaces.
0.9 2008-12-01
Validator Framework to define validators and validation rules in an xml file. 1.5.1 2016-04-30
VFS Virtual File System component for treating files, FTP, SMB, ZIP and such like as a single logical file system. 2.1 2016-05-12
Weaver Provides an easy way to enhance (weave) compiled bytecode. 1.2 2016-02-02


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