


detection in video and image相关推荐

  1. 【视频异常检测-论文阅读】Anomaly Detection in Video via Self-Supervised and Multi-Task Learning

    来源: Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana, et al. "Anomaly Detection in Video via Self-Supervised and Mult ...

  2. Object detection from video tubelets with CNN翻译

    代码地址code 文章地址Object Detection from Video Tubelets with Convolutional Neural Networks 这篇是港大的Kai Kang ...

  3. 论文阅读 (76):Anomaly Detection in Video Sequence with Appearance-Motion Correspondence

    文章目录 1 概述 1.1 题目 1.2 摘要 1.3 代码 1.4 引用 2 方法 2.1 初始模块 (Inception module) 2.2 外观卷积自编码器 (Conv-AE) 2.3 动作 ...

  4. CVPR 2016 《Object Detection from Video Tubelets with Convolutional Neural Networks》论文笔记

    本学弱喜欢在本子上记笔记,但字迹又丑. 望看不懂我的字的大佬不要喷我,看得懂的大佬批评指正.

  5. 《Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach》异常检测 WACV-2022

    Rethinking Video Anomaly Detection - A Continual Learning Approach WACV-2022 论文源地址:Rethinking Video ...

  6. Highlight Detection with Pairwise Deep Ranking for First-Person Video Summarization(论文翻译)

    Highlight Detection with Pairwise Deep Ranking for First-Person Video Summarization Abstract 诸如便携式相机 ...

  7. 嵌入式目标检测--Fast YOLO: A Fast You Only Look Once System for Real-time Embedded Object Detection

    Fast YOLO: A Fast You Only Look Once System for Real-time Embedded Object Detection in Video https:/ ...

  8. object detection

    原地址: Object Detection Pu ...

  9. Object Detection(目标检测神文)

    目标检测神文,非常全而且持续在更新.转发自:,如 ...


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