


  给定一个字符串s和一个字典dict(set),将所有将s有字典dict组成的结果输出。比如s = "catsanddog",
dict = ["cat", "cats", "and", "sand", "dog"].那么结果是["cats and dog", "cat sand dog"]。


  我们将问题细化,如果s[:i]在字典dict里面,那么结果就是s[:i]和 solve(s[i + 1:],dict)的笛卡尔乘积。如果直接实现,那么时间复杂度较高,所以这里用动态规划的思想,判断一个字符串是否可以有字典组成。


class Solution(object):def isp(self,s,dict):dp = [False for i in range(len(s) + 1)]dp[0] = Truefor i in range(1,len(s) + 1):for j in range(0,i):if dp[j] and s[j:i] in dict:dp[i] = Truereturn dp[len(s)]def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):""":type s: str:type wordDict: Set[str]:rtype: List[str]"""ans,tmp = [],""if s in wordDict:ans.append(s)for i in range(len(s)):tmp += s[i]if tmp in wordDict:if self.isp(s[i + 1:],wordDict):t = self.wordBreak(s[i+1:],wordDict)for j in t:ans.append(tmp + " " + j)return ans

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