




input clk       , // Clock Input
input [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] address_0 , // address_0 Input
inout [data_0_WIDTH-1 : 0] data_0    , // data_0 bi-directional
input cs_0      , // Chip Select
input we_0      , // Write Enable/Read Enable
input oe_0      , // Output Enable
input [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] address_1 , // address_1 Input
inout [data_0_WIDTH-1 : 0] data_1    , // data_1 bi-directional
input cs_1      , // Chip Select
input we_1      , // Write Enable/Read Enable
input oe_1        // Output Enable


//--------------Code Starts Here------------------ 
// Memory Write Block 
// Write Operation : When we_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_WRITE
  if ( cs_0 && we_0 ) begin
     mem[address_0] <= data_0;
  else if (cs_1 && we_1) begin 
     mem[address_1] <= data_1;


// Tri-State Buffer control 
// output : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
assign data_0 = (cs_0 && oe_0 && !we_0) ? data_0_out : 8'bz;

// Memory Read Block 
// Read Operation : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_READ_0
  if (cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) begin
    data_0_out <= mem[address_0]; 
  else begin
    data_0_out <= 0; 

//Second Port of RAM
// Tri-State Buffer control 
// output : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
assign data_1 = (cs_1 && oe_1 && !we_1) ? data_1_out : 8'bz; 
// Memory Read Block 1 
// Read Operation : When we_1 = 0, oe_1 = 1, cs_1 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_READ_1
  if (cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) begin
    data_1_out <= mem[address_1]; 
  end else begin
    data_1_out <= 0;



下面给出完整Verilog HDL设计代码:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Create Date: 2019/05/28 20:50:48
// Design Name:
// Module Name: ram_dp_sr_sw
//module ram_dp_sr_sw #(
parameter data_0_WIDTH = 8,
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 8,
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH
input clk       , // Clock Input
input [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] address_0 , // address_0 Input
inout [data_0_WIDTH-1 : 0] data_0    , // data_0 bi-directional
input cs_0      , // Chip Select
input we_0      , // Write Enable/Read Enable
input oe_0      , // Output Enable
input [ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] address_1 , // address_1 Input
inout [data_0_WIDTH-1 : 0] data_1    , // data_1 bi-directional
input cs_1      , // Chip Select
input we_1      , // Write Enable/Read Enable
input oe_1        // Output Enable
); //--------------Internal variables----------------
reg [data_0_WIDTH-1:0] data_0_out ;
reg [data_0_WIDTH-1:0] data_1_out ;
reg [data_0_WIDTH-1:0] mem [0:RAM_DEPTH-1];//initialization// synopsys_translate_off
integer i;
initial beginfor(i=0; i < RAM_DEPTH; i = i + 1) beginmem[i] = 8'h00;end
// synopsys_translate_on//--------------Code Starts Here------------------
// Memory Write Block
// Write Operation : When we_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_WRITEif ( cs_0 && we_0 ) beginmem[address_0] <= data_0;end else if (cs_1 && we_1) begin mem[address_1] <= data_1;end
end// Tri-State Buffer control
// output : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
assign data_0 = (cs_0 && oe_0 && !we_0) ? data_0_out : 8'bz; // Memory Read Block
// Read Operation : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_READ_0if (cs_0 && !we_0 && oe_0) begindata_0_out <= mem[address_0]; end else begindata_0_out <= 0; end
end //Second Port of RAM
// Tri-State Buffer control
// output : When we_0 = 0, oe_0 = 1, cs_0 = 1
assign data_1 = (cs_1 && oe_1 && !we_1) ? data_1_out : 8'bz;
// Memory Read Block 1
// Read Operation : When we_1 = 0, oe_1 = 1, cs_1 = 1
always @ (posedge clk)
begin : MEM_READ_1if (cs_1 && !we_1 && oe_1) begindata_1_out <= mem[address_1]; end else begindata_1_out <= 0;end
endendmodule // End of Module ram_dp_sr_sw








`timescale 1ns / 1psmodule ram_dp_sr_sw_tb;reg clk       ; // Clock
reg [7 : 0] address_0 ; // address_0 input
wire [7 : 0] data_0    ; // data_0 bi-directional
reg cs_0      ; // Chip Select
reg we_0      ; // Write Enable/Read Enable
reg oe_0      ; // Output Enable
reg [7 : 0] address_1 ; // address_1 input
wire [7 : 0] data_1    ; // data_1 bi-directional
reg cs_1      ; // Chip Select
reg we_1      ; // Write Enable/Read Enable
reg oe_1 ;        // Output Enableinitial beginclk = 0;forever#2 clk = ~clk;
endreg [7 : 0] data_in0; //写数据时候,双向总线与data_in0连接(这样做的目的是保证总线在某一时刻读和写,二者之一有效)
assign data_0 = (cs_0 && we_0 && !oe_0) ? data_in0 : 8'dz;reg [7 : 0] data_in1; //写数据时候,双向总线与data_in1连接(这样做的目的是保证总线在某一时刻读和写,二者之一有效)
assign data_1 = (cs_1 && we_1 && !oe_1) ? data_in1 : 8'dz;integer i = 0;initial begin
oe_0 = 0;
oe_1 = 0;
we_0 = 0;
we_1 = 0;
cs_0 = 0;
cs_1 = 0;
address_0 = 0;
address_1 = 0;
data_in0 = 0;
data_in1 = 0;
cs_0 = 1;
cs_1 = 1;
oe_0 = 1;
oe_1 = 1;for(i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin@(negedge clk) beginaddress_0 = i;address_1 = i;endend//地址0写,地址1读@(negedge clk) beginwe_0 = 1;we_1 = 0;oe_0 = 0;oe_1 = 1;endfor(i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin@(negedge clk) beginaddress_0 = i;data_in0 = data_in0 + 1;address_1 = i;endend//地址0读·,地址1读@(negedge clk) beginwe_0 = 0;we_1 = 0;oe_0 = 1;oe_1 = 1;endfor(i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin@(negedge clk) beginaddress_0 = i;address_1 = i;endend//结束吧,片选结束
@(negedge clk) begin
cs_0 = 0;
cs_1 = 0;
end#100 $stop;endram_dp_sr_sw #(
.ADDR_WIDTH(8), //给参数
.data_0_WIDTH(8)) u_ram(



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