The difference between acceptable cell and suitable cell in LTE is given below.

acceptable cell

In a area where UE is not able to find any suitable cell to camp on, it goes for acceptable cell. An “acceptable cell” is a cell on which the UE may camp to obtain limited service (originate emergency calls and receive ETWS and CMAS notifications). Such a cell shall fulfil the following requirements, which is the minimum set of requirements to initiate an emergency call and to receive ETWS and CMAS notification in a E-UTRAN network. An acceptable cell must not be barred cell and minimum cell selection criteria should be fulfilled.

suitable cell

A “suitable cell” is a cell on which the UE may camp on to obtain normal service. The UE shall have a valid USIM and such a cell shall fulfil all the following requirements.

The cell is part of either:

the selected PLMN, or

the registered PLMN, or

a PLMN of the Equivalent PLMN list

For a CSG cell, the cell is a CSG member cell for the UE

According to the latest information provided by NAS:

The cell is not barred

The cell is part of at least one TA that is not part of the list of “forbidden tracking areas for roaming”, which belongs to a PLMN that fulfils the first bullet above;

The cell selection criteria are fulfilled

If more than one PLMN identity is broadcast in the cell, the cell is considered to be part of all TAs with TAIs constructed from the PLMN identities and the TAC broadcast in the cell.

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