outlook gmail

Everybody loves Gmail, but some people use a desktop client, especially in corporate environments where Outlook is king. Adding your Gmail account to Outlook 2007 couldn’t be easier.

每个人都喜欢Gmail,但是有些人使用桌面客户​​端,尤其是在Outlook为王的公司环境中。 添加您的Gmail帐户到Outlook 2007再简单不过了。

First we need to make sure your gmail account is set up to enable POP (Post Office Protocol).  In Gmail just go to mail settings and choose the Forwarding and POP tab. Click on one of the options to enable POP.

首先,我们需要确保您的gmail帐户已设置为启用POP(邮局协议)。 在Gmail中,只需转到邮件设置,然后选择转发和POP标签。 单击选项之一以启用POP。

Update: Note the drop-down that says what to do when mail is accessed with POP3. Please do NOT change this to “Delete”.

更新:请注意下拉菜单,其中显示了使用POP3访问邮件时的操作。 请不要将其更改为“删除”。

Now open up Outlook 2007 and go to Tools \ Account Settings…

现在打开Outlook 2007并转到“工具\帐户设置...”。

Under Account Settings choose the E-mail tab and click on New…

在“帐户设置”下,选择“电子邮件”标签,然后单击“ 新建...”。

Enter in all of your gmail account information **make sure there is no check next to Manually configure server…**  You do not have to go through these extra steps.  Just click on Next.

输入您所有的Gmail帐户信息**确保“手动配置服务器”旁边没有选中任何复选框……**您不必执行这些额外的步骤。 只需单击下一步。

After Outlook has successfully configured the e-mail server settings you can go ahead and click Finish.


Go back to your inbox and hit send/receive and you are done!


If this doesn’t work


If you are having problems with the automatic setup, you’ll need to choose the “Manually Configure Server” option, and then fill in your details as follows:


Here are the important settings:


  • Email Address: Your full gmail address电子邮件地址:您的完整Gmail地址
  • Incoming Mail Server: pop.gmail.com传入邮件服务器:pop.gmail.com
  • Outgoing Mail Server: smtp.gmail.com (Note: If you have problems with sending email you may have to check with your internet provider, as they often require you to send email through their system.寄出邮件服务器:smtp.gmail.com(注意:如果您在发送电子邮件时遇到问题,则可能必须与您的Internet提供商联系,因为它们通常要求您通过其系统发送电子邮件。
  • User Name: Your full gmail email address用户名:您的完整Gmail电子邮件地址

Now you’ll need to click on the More Settings… button, and check the box on the Outgoing Server tab for “My outgoing server requires authentication”


Now switch to the Advanced tab, and check the box that says “This server requires an encrypted connection”, then change the fields to match these values:


  • Incoming Server: 995传入服务器:995
  • Check the box for “This server requires an encrypted connection” 选中“此服务器需要加密的连接”框
  • Outgoing Server (SMTP): 587 外寄伺服器(SMTP):587
  • Change the type of encrypted connection to Auto, or use TLS if you have problems.将加密连接的类型更改为“自动”,或者在遇到问题时使用TLS。

Close the dialogs and go through the rest of the wizard and everything should be working.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/gmail/add-your-gmail-account-to-outlook-2007/

outlook gmail

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