hotmail pop3

Keeping track of multiple email accounts can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re a Hotmail user, you might want to integrate all of your POP3 accounts into a single address for more efficient access.

跟踪多个电子邮件帐户可能很困难,但这不是必须的。 如果您是Hotmail用户,则可能需要将所有POP3帐户集成到一个地址中,以提高访问效率。

Hotmail can send and receive emails from any POP3 enabled account, and it even supports SSL for secure connections.  Most email accounts from your internet service provider, work, or school will work directly in it.  Make sure to have your other account info, as you may need it in advanced setup. For this demonstration we’ll walk through setting up a Gmail account, but this should work with your other POP3 accounts as well.

Hotmail可以从任何启用POP3的帐户发送和接收电子邮件,甚至还支持SSL进行安全连接。 来自您的Internet服务提供商,公司或学校的大多数电子邮件帐户都可以直接在其中使用。 确保拥有其他帐户信息,因为在高级设置中可能需要它。 在此演示中,我们将逐步设置一个Gmail帐户,但这也应与您的其他POP3帐户一起使用。

Add your email account to Hotmail


Log into Hotmail, and then scroll to the bottom of your folders list in your inbox and select “Add an e-mail account.”


Now enter in your email address and password for the account you want to add and click Next. Hotmail will try to automatically detect the settings for the account.  Most email accounts from popular services such as Gmail are detected automatically.

现在,输入您要添加的帐户的电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击“下一步”。 Hotmail将尝试自动检测该帐户的设置。 系统会自动检测到Gmail等热门服务中的大多数电子邮件帐户。

Note: Make sure that POP3 is enabled in your Gmail account.


If it cannot automatically find the settings, it will present you an Advanced options page. Here you can enter your email and password, as well as your user name, incoming mail server, port number, and SSL options.  You can also choose whether or not to leave emails on that server when Hotmail downloads them.  Make sure to leave this box checked if you want to still access your emails from the other account. If you aren’t sure what settings are required, check with your IT staff or ISP.

如果无法自动找到设置,它将显示“高级选项”页面。 在这里,您可以输入电子邮件和密码,以及用户名,传入邮件服务器,端口号和SSL选项。 您还可以选择Hotmail下载电子邮件时是否将电子邮件保留在该服务器上。 如果您仍然想从其他帐户访问电子邮件,请确保选中此框。 如果不确定需要什么设置,请与您的IT人员或ISP联系。

Hotmail will let you know it’s working on your account…


Now, you can choose where your email from newly added account will go.  By default it will go into a new folder with that email account’s name, but you can choose to have it go to any folder including your inbox.  Emails from this account will show a diamond on the corner, and you can choose which color of diamond you want as well.

现在,您可以选择来自新添加帐户的电子邮件的去向。 默认情况下,它将进入具有该电子邮件帐户名称的新文件夹,但是您可以选择将其转到包含收件箱的任何文件夹。 来自此帐户的电子邮件将在角落显示钻石,您也可以选择所需的钻石颜色。

Click Save, and you’re almost done.


Hotmail will send an email to make sure you really own the email address.  Click the link in the email, and your account will be all setup. Hotmail will sync all of the emails from your account, and also automatically download any new emails you get.

Hotmail将发送一封电子邮件,以确保您确实拥有该电子邮件地址。 单击电子邮件中的链接,您的帐户将完成所有设置。 Hotmail将同步您帐户中的所有电子邮件,并自动下载您收到的所有新电子邮件。

You can select any address as your “From” address next time you write an email. You can also make any of them your default “From” address.

下次写电子邮件时,可以选择任何地址作为“发件人”地址。 您也可以将其中任何一个设为默认的“发件人”地址。

Unfortunately, if you want to get your Yahoo mail you’ll need a paid subscription to Yahoo Mail Plus in order to use POP3 sync. Although you might want to try a work around using YPOPs! which we’ve previously covered.

不幸的是,如果您想获取Yahoo邮件,则需要付费订阅Yahoo Mail Plus才能使用POP3同步。 尽管您可能想尝试使用YPOP! 我们之前已经介绍过了。

Enjoy, and don’t forget that you can add as many accounts as you need.  You can combine all of your addresses, and then easily manage them all from Hotmail. If you use Gmail, you can also send and receive Hotmail (or any POP3 email) from your Gmail account.

尽情享受,别忘了您可以根据需要添加任意数量的帐户。 您可以合并所有地址,然后从Hotmail轻松管理所有地址。 如果您使用Gmail,则还可以通过Gmail帐户发送和接收Hotmail(或任何POP3电子邮件) 。



Windows Live Hotmail

Windows Live Hotmail


hotmail pop3

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