下面我们为你介绍在各大Linux发行版(Ubuntu、Debian、Arch Linux、Fedora、openSUSE)中安装TLP的方法。TLP是运行在Linux终端下的一款电源管理工具,当前的版本是TLP 1.1,已提供下载,不过它有PPA源可以安装在Ubuntu、Linux Mint下,也有tar.gz软件包供安装编译。



TLP 1.1更新详情


SATA_LINKPWR_ON_AC/BAT: try multiple values to support new recommended ALPM policy "med_power_with_dipm" in kernel 4.15


ENERGY_PERF_POLICY_ON_AC/BAT: support changed values performance, balance-performance, default, balance-power, power

3.ThinkPad Battery:

Support ThinkPad 13 1st & 2nd Gen, E130; new tpacpi-bat version

tlp-stat --psup: show ASLbase for tpacpi-bat (in device/path)

tlp discharge: show state of battery and force_discharge


USB_BLACKLIST_PRINTER: exclude printers from autosuspend


intercept link_power_management_policy write error

fix AC power detection for MacBook Pro 2017

move runtime data from /var/run/tlp to /run/tlp

DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE="bluetooth" not working as expected

don't detect wireless input devices' batteries as power supply




sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp


sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw

sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms acpi-call-dkms(ThinkPad的附加要求)



Debian 9.0 /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main

Debian 8.0 /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie-backports-sloppy main

2.apt-get update

3.apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw


apt-get install -t stretch-backports tlp tlp-rdw


apt-get install -t jessie-backports-sloppy tlp tlp-rdw


apt-get install acpi-support-base pm-utils(Without systemd:if your system runs with sysvinit,make shure the following packages are installed)

apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms acpi-call-dkms(ThinkPad的附加要求)

在Arch Linux系统中安装TLP

1.pacman -S tlp tlp-rdw

2.pacman -S tp_smapi acpi_call(ThinkPad的附加要求)

3.Service Units

To complete the installation you must enable TLP's services:

systemctl enable tlp.service

systemctl enable tlp-sleep.service

Using the Radio Device Wizard (tlp-rdw) requires an additional service:

systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service

You should also mask the following services to avoid conflicts and assure proper operation of TLP's radio device switching options:

systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service

systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.socket


dnf install tlp tlp-rdw


zypper install tlp tlp-rdw


sudo tlp start


1.Status report with configuration and all active settings:

sudo tlp-stat

2.Show battery information:

sudo tlp-stat -b

sudo tlp-stat --battery

3.Show configuration:

tlp-stat -c

tlp-stat --config

4.Show disk data:

tlp-stat -d

tlp-stat --disk

5.Show PCI(e) device data:

tlp-stat -e

tlp-stat --pcie

6.Show graphics card data:

tlp-stat -g

tlp-stat --graphics

7.Show processor data:

tlp-stat -p

tlp-stat --processor

8.Show radio device state:

tlp-stat -r

tlp-stat --rfkill

9.Show system data:

tlp-stat -s

tlp-stat --system

10.Show temperatures and fan speed:

tlp-stat -t

tlp-stat --temp

11.Show USB device data:

tlp-stat -u

tlp-stat --usb

12.Show more data:

tlp-stat -v

tlp-stat --verbose

13.Show warnings:

tlp-stat -w

tlp-stat --warn

14.Monitor power supply udev events:

tlp-stat -P

tlp-stat --pev

15.Show power supply diagnostic:

tlp-stat --psup

16.Show trace output:

tlp-stat -T

tlp-stat --trace


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