
Vim is Linux based opensource tool. The roots goes to the vi editor. In Linux distributions vim can be easily installed via package managers like apt , yum , dnf and zypper . Windows is the most popular desktop operating system. Vim is provided for Windows operating systems too. In this tutorial we will look how to download, install and use vim in Windows Operating systems.

Vim是基于Linux的开源工具。 根源进入vi编辑器。 在Linux发行版中,可以通过aptyumdnfzypper等软件包管理器轻松安装vim。 Windows是最流行的桌面操作系统。 Vim也为Windows操作系统提供。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何在Windows操作系统中下载,安装和使用vim。

下载 (Download)

Vim official web page provides download links for Windows operating systems. As Windows is mainly graphical user interface vim is provided with name gvim which is graphical vim. We can download from following links.

Vim官方网页提供了Windows操作系统的下载链接。 由于Windows主要是图形用户界面,因此vim带有名称gvim ,它是图形vim。 我们可以从以下链接下载。

32位安装程序 (32 Bit Installer)

64位安装程序 (64 Bit Installer)

随身携带 (Portable)

安装Vim (Install Vim)

We can install vim for Windows with Windows style Next-> Next logic. Vim is installed to the C:\Program Files\Vim directory.

我们可以使用Windows样式Next > Next逻辑为Windows安装vim。 Vim已安装到C:\Program Files\Vim目录。

Install Vim

使用Vim (Use Vim)

After installation the read me file is opened by newly installed vim . Which will look like this.

安装后,新安装的vim将打开自述文件。 看起来像这样。

Use Vim

Windows vim provides some of its features with menu. As an example we can use following features from menu.

Windows vim通过菜单提供了一些功能。 例如,我们可以使用菜单中的以下功能。

  • Save救
  • Save All保存全部
  • Find and Replace查找和替换
  • Find Next找下一个
  • Load Session加载会话
  • Save Current Session保存当前会话
  • Run Vim Script运行Vim脚本
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LEARN MORE  Compare Vi vs Vim

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