c道格拉斯-普克算法 [1]  (Douglas–Peucker algorithm,亦称为拉默-道格拉斯-普克算法、迭代适应点算法、分裂与合并算法)是将曲线近似表示为一系列点,并减少点的数量的一种算法。它的优点是具有平移和旋转不变性,给定曲线与阈值后,抽样结果一定。

算法的基本思路是:对每一条曲线的首末点虚连一条直线,求所有点与直线的距离,并找出最大距离值dmax ,用dmax与限差D相比:若dmax <D,这条曲线上的中间点全部舍去;若dmax ≥D,保留dmax 对应的坐标点,并以该点为界,把曲线分为两部分,对这两部分重复使用该方法。


(1) 在曲线首尾两点间虚连一条直线,求出其余各点到该直线的距离,如右图(1)。



matlab 代码实现:

function curve = dp(pnts)
close all;
clear all;x =  1:0.01:  2;
num = size(x,2);pnts = 2*sin(8*pi*x) ; % + rand(1,num)*0.8;
pnts = x .* sin(8*pi*x) + rand(1,num)*0.5;
figure; plot( x, pnts,'-.'); title('pnts');head = [x(1), pnts(1)] ;
tail = [x(end), pnts(end)] ;%距离阈值
dist_th = 0.1; hold on;
max_dist = 0;
max_dist_i = 0;
curve = [head; tail];
pnt_index = [1, num];while(1)         %目前抽稀后的曲线上的点数curve_num = size(curve,1);%标记是否添加了新点,若有,表明还要继续处理add_new_pnt = 0; %  对区间头尾连线,然后计算各点到这条直线的距离 for nx = 1:curve_num-1cur_pnt = curve(nx,:);%下一个抽稀了的曲线上的点next_pnt = curve(nx+1,:);pnt_d = next_pnt - cur_pnt ;th = atan2(pnt_d(2), pnt_d(1));angle = th*180/pi;%直线方程% y = kx + bk = tan(th);b = cur_pnt(2) - k*cur_pnt(1);k2 = k*k;deno = sqrt(1 + k *k) ;max_dist = 0;pnt_index(nx);pnt_index(nx+1);%对这一区间的点计算到直线的距离for i= pnt_index(nx) : pnt_index(nx+1)dist = abs(pnts(i) - k*x(i) - b)/deno ;if(dist> max_dist)      max_dist = dist;max_dist_i = i;        end end max_dist;max_dist_i; far_pnt = [x(max_dist_i), pnts(max_dist_i)];%最远的点加进去if(max_dist > dist_th)curve = [curve(1:nx,:); far_pnt; curve(nx+1:end,:)]; pnt_index = [pnt_index(1:nx), max_dist_i, pnt_index(nx+1:end)];%标记添加了新点,可能还要继续处理add_new_pnt = 1;        end end close all ;figure; plot( x, pnts,'-.'); title('pnts');hold on;plot(curve(:,1), curve(:,2), '-g*');drawnow;%如果各点到直线距离都没有超过阈值则退出%处理完毕了,ok了,退出if(0 == add_new_pnt)break;end

c++ 代码实现:

#include "DouglasPeucker.h"
using namespace std;
void readin(vector &Points,const char * filename)
MyPointStruct SinglePoint;
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r");
}void DouglasPeuckerAlgorithm(vector &Points,inttolerance,const char*filename)
DouglasPeucker Instance(Points,tolerance);
}void DumpOut1()
}void DumpOut2()
printf("need 3 command line parameter:\n[0]executable file name;\n[1]file name of the input data;\n[2]file name of the output data;\n[3]threshold.\n");
}int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
{vector Points;readin(Points,argv[1]);int threshold = atoi(argv[3]); DouglasPeuckerAlgorithm(Points,threshold,argv[2]);DumpOut1();
return 0;
}//////#ifndef DOUGLAGPEUCKER#include
using namespace std;struct MyPointStruct // 点的结构
double X;
double Y;
double Z;
{this->X = 0;this->Y = 0;this->Z = 0;
};MyPointStruct(double x, double y, double z) // 点的构造函数
{this->X = x;this->Y = y;this->Z = z;
};class DouglasPeucker
vector PointStruct;
vector myTag; // 标记特征点的一个bool数组
vector PointNum;//离散化得到的点号
DouglasPeucker(vector &Points,int tolerance);
~DouglasPeucker(){};void WriteData(const char *filename);
void DouglasPeuckerReduction(int firstPoint, int lastPoint, doubletolerance);
double PerpendicularDistance(MyPointStruct &point1, MyPointStruct&point2, MyPointStruct &point3);
MyPointStruct myConvert(int index);
#endif////////#include "DouglasPeucker.h"double DouglasPeucker::PerpendicularDistance(MyPointStruct &point1,MyPointStruct &point2, MyPointStruct &point3)
// 点到直线的距离公式法
double A, B, C, maxDist = 0;
A = point2.Y - point1.Y;
B = point1.X - point2.X;
C = point2.X * point1.Y - point1.X * point2.Y;
maxDist = fabs((A * point3.X + B * point3.Y + C) / sqrt(A * A + B *B));
return maxDist;
}MyPointStruct DouglasPeucker::myConvert(int index)
return PointStruct[index];
}void DouglasPeucker::DouglasPeuckerReduction(int firstPoint, intlastPoint, double tolerance)
double maxDistance = 0;
int indexFarthest = 0; // 记录最大值时点元素在数组中的下标for (int index = firstPoint; index < lastPoint; index++)
{double distance = PerpendicularDistance(myConvert(firstPoint),myConvert(lastPoint), myConvert(index));if (distance > maxDistance){maxDistance = distance;indexFarthest = index;}
if (maxDistance > tolerance && indexFarthest != 0)
{myTag[indexFarthest] = true; // 记录特征点的索引信息DouglasPeuckerReduction(firstPoint, indexFarthest, tolerance);DouglasPeuckerReduction(indexFarthest, lastPoint, tolerance);
}DouglasPeucker::DouglasPeucker(vector &Points,inttolerance)
PointStruct = Points;
int totalPointNum =Points.size();myTag.resize(totalPointNum,0);DouglasPeuckerReduction(0, totalPointNum-1, tolerance);for (int index = 0; index
void DouglasPeucker::WriteData(const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"w");
int pSize = PointNum.size();
for(int index=0;index

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