3D Parallax Wallpaper 介绍

3D Parallax Wallpaper

3d Parallax Wallpaper 3D Parallax Live Wallpaper is the newest app in phone personalization with free hd wallpapers.Now you don't need other Launcher to full customize your world, that 3D Parallax Background give it to you a large collection of HD wallpapers and a home screen backgrounds for free!This 3D wallpaper give your home screen and lock screen a real 3D depth with gyroscope controlled multi-layered parallax backgrounds.This app is not the usual 3D Live wallpaper but it contains a complete list with more than 30+ Live Wallpapers that you can download. Each wallpaper comes with a nice description, the number of layers used in it and a dynamic rating of it.3D Parallax Themes: Huge theme store, 3D Parallax Live Wallpaper provides you a lot of beautiful mobile 3d themes, wallpaper, backgrounds and widgets, professional designers create amazing themes for you every week! Incredible parallax 3D effects using gyroscope and accelerometer or compass! Each wallpaper and lock screen offer is matched to your device for the best experience. Quickly set wallpapers from within the app! Unique - you don't need other theme launchers, hd background app or live wallpapres apps to fully enjoy this free application! 3D Parallax Background features: Enjoy live wallpapers and 3d parallax backgrounds! Optimized battery usage! Select the degree of moving for your background images to get a 3d effect! Add a blur effect to your cool 3d wallpapers! Choose the direction of moving from one side to the other, or up and down! Add a filter or extract color to get awesome 3d looking wallpapers! Download parallax live wallpaper free of charge and explore virtuality!Incredible 3D parallax, volumetric backgrounds in your phone! Try it for free!App uses Gyroscope and Accelerometer sensor for parallax effects that gives real feel to each layer of the background.Thanks for Download!

来自应用汇: 3D Parallax Wallpaper http://www.appchina.com/app/droid.parallax.parallaxlivewallpaper?from=spi-desc

3D Parallax Wallpaper 历史版本

3D Parallax Wallpaper

版本: 1.0

大小: 6.38 M


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