Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, and Microsoft’s Windows 10 all keep a list of apps you’ve purchased and downloaded from their stores—even if you no longer have those apps installed. This list will become cluttered over time, especially if you download and try out a lot of free apps. But you can clean this list up, at least on iOS and Android.

Apple的iOS,Google的Android和Microsoft的Windows 10都会保留您已从商店购买和下载的应用程序列表,即使您不再安装这些应用程序也是如此。 随着时间的流逝,此列表将变得混乱不堪,特别是如果您下载并尝试了许多免费应用程序。 但是,您至少可以在iOS和Android上清理此列表。

This is particularly useful if you’re using Family Sharing on iOS, as you can hide certain apps you’ve previously purchased so they won’t be shared with your family members over iCloud. Either way, it helps clean up your list of purchased apps.

如果您在iOS上使用家庭共享,则此功能特别有用,因为您可以隐藏以前购买的某些应用程序,这样就不会通过iCloud与家人共享这些应用程序。 无论哪种方式,它都有助于清理已购买应用程序的列表。

iPhone,iPad和iPod Touch (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)

On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, you can access your list of purchased apps from the App Store app. Open the App Store and tap the “Updates” icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap “Purchased” at the top of the list to view all your purchased apps.

在iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch上,您可以从App Store应用访问已购买应用的列表。 打开App Store,然后点击屏幕底部的“更新”图标。 点击列表顶部的“已购买”以查看所有已购买的应用程序。

Tap “My Purchases” to see your own list of purchased apps if you’re using iCloud Family Sharing.

如果您使用的是iCloud家庭共享 ,请点击“我的购买”以查看您自己的已购买应用程序列表。

You’ll see a list of all the apps you’ve ever purchased or downloaded. Scroll through the list or use the search box to search for individual apps. Tap “Not on This iPhone” or “Not on This iPad” if you just want to see apps you’ve removed from your device. When you see an app you want to hide, touch it, swipe to the left, and tap the “Hide” button that appears. The app will be hidden from this list.

您会看到您曾经购买或下载的所有应用程序的列表。 滚动列表或使用搜索框搜索单个应用。 如果您只想查看从设备中删除的应用程序,请点击“不在此iPhone上”或“不在此iPad上”。 当您看到要隐藏的应用时,请触摸它,向左滑动,然后点击显示的“隐藏”按钮。 该应用将从此列表中隐藏。

Hiding an app like this won’t delete the record of your purchase if you purchased the app. You can still search for the app in the App Store and you’ll be able to re-download it for free if you’ve already purchased it. It just won’t appear in your list of purchased apps.

如果您购买了这样的应用,那么隐藏这样的应用不会删除您的购买记录。 您仍然可以在App Store中搜索该应用,如果已经购买,则可以免费重新下载。 它只是不会出现在您已购买的应用程序列表中。

Some people report this doesn’t work reliably, and app purchases you try to hide will just appear later. If you have this problem, you can instead choose to hide apps from iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC.

有人报告说这无法可靠运行,而您尝试隐藏的应用购买将在稍后显示。 如果遇到此问题,您可以选择在Mac或Windows PC上的iTunes中隐藏应用程序。

Fire up iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC and ensure you’re signed in with the same Apple ID you use on your device. If you’re not yet signed in, click the “Account” menu and select “Sign In”. Sign in with your iTunes account details.

在Mac或Windows PC上启动iTunes,并确保使用与设备上相同的Apple ID登录。 如果您尚未登录,请单击“帐户”菜单,然后选择“登录”。 使用您的iTunes帐户详细信息登录。

Click the “Account” menu and select either “Purchased” or “Family Purchases”—whichever appears in the menu.


Select “Apps” at the top-right corner of the screen to view your list of purchased and downloaded apps. Click the “X” that appears at the top-left corner of an app’s icon and you’ll be asked whether you want to hide that a purchased app. Click “Hide” to hide it.

选择屏幕右上角的“应用程序”以查看已购买和下载的应用程序列表。 点击出现在应用程序图标左上角的“ X”,系统会询问您是否要隐藏购买的应用程序。 单击“隐藏”将其隐藏。

You can hide music, movies, TV shows, books, and audiobooks you’ve purchased from iTunes in the same way.


You can also unhide apps you’ve previously hidden. This requires iTunes on a PC or Mac, even if you hid those apps on an iPhone or iPad. Either way, you need iTunes for this.

您还可以取消隐藏以前隐藏的应用。 即使您将这些应用隐藏在iPhone或iPad上,这也需要在PC或Mac上使用iTunes。 无论哪种方式,您都需要iTunes。

To unhide apps, click Account > View My Account in iTunes. Enter your Apple ID password if prompted.

要取消隐藏应用程序,请在iTunes中单击“帐户”>“查看我的帐户”。 如果出现提示,请输入您的Apple ID密码。

Scroll down to the “iTunes in the Cloud” section and click “Manage” to the right of Hidden Purchases.

向下滚动到“ iTunes in the Cloud”部分,然后单击“隐藏购买”右侧的“管理”。

Select “Apps” to see a list of hidden apps, and click the “Unhide” button for each app you want to unhide.


Android上的Google Play (Google Play on Android)

You can also hide apps you’ve purchased or previously downloaded in Google Play on an Android device

您还可以在Android设备上隐藏已在Google Play中购买或先前下载的应用程序

Open the Play Store app, tap the menu button, and tap “My apps & games” to see a list if your own apps.


Tap “All” to see all apps, even ones that aren’t installed. Apps that aren’t currently installed will have an “x” on the right side of their card.

点按“全部”以查看所有应用程序,甚至未安装的应用程序。 当前未安装的应用程序在其卡的右侧将带有“ x”。

The “x” button only appears next to apps that aren’t currently installed, so you’ll have to uninstall the app from your Android device before you’ll be allowed to remove it from your purchase history.

“ x”按钮仅显示在当前未安装的应用程序旁边,因此您必须先从Android设备上卸载该应用程序,然后才能将其从购买历史记录中删除。

Tap the “x” and then tap “OK” to remove one of these apps from the list. It will no longer appear in the list of all your apps. To get a removed app back, just search for it in Google Play and download it again.

点按“ x”,然后点按“确定”以从列表中删除这些应用程序之一。 它不再出现在所有应用程序的列表中。 要取回已删除的应用,只需在Google Play中搜索它,然后再次下载即可。

Microsoft’s Windows Store on Windows 10 doesn’t offer this feature, nor does the Windows Store on Windows 8. Microsoft will hopefully add this feature in the a future update to Windows.

Windows 10上的Microsoft Windows Store不提供此功能,Windows 8上的Windows Store也不提供此功能。Microsoft希望在以后的Windows更新中添加此功能。

Image Credit: Karlis Dambrans on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的Karlis Dambrans


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