


Chapter 1


1. The basic hardware components of a personal computer system consist of the .

a. keyboard and display b. system unit

c. disk-drive and printer d. all of above

2. A keyboard is a device that converts into that can be electronically manipulated by the computer.

a. data/information b. keystrokes/special codes

c. special codes/keystrokes d. information/data

3. System software includes and .

a. operating system and application software

b. operating system and programming language

c. special-purpose programs and application software

d. OS and special-purpose programs

4. The method with which printers form characters can include .

a. striking ribbon with a hammer b. spraying ink with a nozzle

c. transferring the pattern with heat or laser d. all of above

5. DOS can be used with machine.

a. IBM-compatible b. the machine that was made before 1981

c. PDP-11 d. VAX


1. Most RAM is temporary, losing its contents when the computer’s power is turned off.

2. The primary purpose of OS is to support application programs.

3. Keyboards are the only way to communicate with a computer.

4. ROM is read-only memory.

5. Personal computers are sophisticated than larger mainframe and minicomputer relatives.


1. computer a. Raw, unstructured, unprocessed facts.

2. data b. The meaning a human being assigns to data.

3. information c. A series of instructions that guides a computer through some process.

4. processor d. The component of a computer that selects and executes instructions.

5. program e. A machine that processes data into information under control of a stored program.


What is a computer?

The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this reason, comp


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