

DNF stands for Dandified yum. DNF is a software package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions such as Fedora, RHEL and CentOS. It is the next upcoming major version of Yum. DNF is first introduced in Fedora and has replaced to become the default package manager of the Fedora distributions. DNF is same as Yum that installs, updates and removes packages on RPM based Linux systems. DNF is introduced for improving the bottlenecks of Yum such as performance, Memory usages, Dependency resolution, speed, and some other factors. The latest stable release of DNF is 1.0 and it is written in Python.

DNF是Dandified yum的缩写,DNF三个字母却没有一个来自yum。DNF也是基于RPM的包管理工具,其首先在Fedora系统中出现,已经成为Fedora系统的默认的包管理工具。现在又来到了CentOS,应该说使用CentOS是幸运的,因为其相对保守的特性。尝鲜的事情,就给Fedora系统吧。DNF的出现,是为了解决Yum系统的性能瓶颈,优化内存使用,依赖关系解析,执行速度等。DNF是用Python写的。

用dnf --help,查看你能够使用的命令参数,跟yum差不多。


1) DNF comes with a simplified code: DNF has about 29000 lines of code compared to over 59000 in yum.


2) Support for multiple repositories.


3) Faster and lesser memory intensive operations compared to yum.


4) Simple interface.


5) DNF runs in both Python 2 and Python 3.

6) Simple configuration.


7) DNF has faster dependency resolving speed than yum.


8) RPM consistent behavior.


9) C bindings for lower level libraries.

10) Package group support, including multiple-repository groups.


The default location of DNF configuration file is /etc/dnf/dnf.conf.


$ dnf --help

usage: dnf [options] COMMAND

List of Main Commands:

alias List or create command aliases

autoremove remove all unneeded packages that were originally installed as dependencies

check check for problems in the packagedb

check-update check for available package upgrades

clean remove cached data

deplist List package's dependencies and what packages provide them

distro-sync synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions

downgrade Downgrade a package

group display, or use, the groups information

help display a helpful usage message

history display, or use, the transaction history

info display details about a package or group of packages

install install a package or packages on your system

list list a package or groups of packages

makecache generate the metadata cache

mark mark or unmark installed packages as installed by user.

module Interact with Modules.

provides find what package provides the given value

reinstall reinstall a package

remove remove a package or packages from your system

repolist display the configured software repositories

repoquery search for packages matching keyword

repository-packages run commands on top of all packages in given repository

search search package details for the given string

shell run an interactive DNF shell

swap run an interactive dnf mod for remove and install one spec

updateinfo display advisories about packages

upgrade upgrade a package or packages on your system

upgrade-minimal upgrade, but only 'newest' package match which fixes a problem that affects your system


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