
Pentium is a brand used to name x86 based Intel microprocessors. Pentium series CPU’s are launched in 1993 and produced about 27 years. During these 27 years a lot of different versions of the Pentiums are created. The popularity of the Pentium microarchitecture and CPU’s make it last for a lot of time as brand name but in 2011 Intel has named and branded their latest CPUs with i3, i5,i7 series.

奔腾是一个品牌,用于命名基于x86的英特尔微处理器。 奔腾系列CPU于1993年推出,生产约27年。 在这27年中,创建了许多不同版本的奔腾。 奔腾微体系结构和CPU的普及使它可以作为品牌名使用很长时间,但是2011年,英特尔用i3,i5,i7系列命名和品牌了他们的最新CPU。

Currently from price and performance point of view Pentium processes are located between Atom, Celeron and Core i3,i5 and i7,9 series where Atom and Celeron provide less performance then Pentium processor. But Core i3, i5, i7 and i9 provides better performance at a higher price.

当前,从价格和性能的角度来看,奔腾处理器位于Atom,Celeron和Core i3,i5和i7,9系列之间,其中Atom和Celeron提供的性能低于奔腾处理器。 但是Core i3,i5,i7和i9以更高的价格提供了更好的性能。

奔腾是什么意思? (What Does Pentium Mean?)

Pentium is a Greek word which is derived from the penta meaning five. The ium is also a Latin ending in order to express the generation of the microprocessor which is next of the 8086 and 80486 or fourth version.

Pentium是一个希腊词是从派生penta意思五位。 ium也是拉丁语的结尾,目的是表达继8086和80486或第四版本之后的微处理器的一代。

奔腾历史 (Pentium History)

In order to understand the Pentium brand, we need to look at its history with products and features. Here we will list all the main versions of the Pentium processors.

为了了解奔腾品牌,我们需要通过产品和功能来了解其历史。 在这里,我们将列出奔腾处理器的所有主要版本。

奔腾 (Pentium)

Pentium is the name of the brand and the first version of this brand. It is launched in 1992 and these processors are manufactured with 800, 600, 350 nm technologies. Pentium provides 66 MHz clock speed. There is also Pentium Overdrive which supports more socket types like Socket 2, Socket 3, etc.

奔腾是该品牌的名称,也是该品牌的第一个版本。 它于1992年推出,这些处理器采用800、600、350 nm技术制造。 奔腾提供66 MHz的时钟速度。 还有Pentium Overdrive ,它支持更多的套接字类型,例如Socket 2,Socket 3等。


奔腾Pro(Pentium Pro)

Pentium Pro is the more advanced and faster version of the Pentium where it provides 200 MHz clock speeds. Pentium Pro is released in 1995. Pentium Pro is manufactured with 600 and 350 nm technologies with new socket type support Socket 8.

Pentium ProPentium Pro的更高级和更快的版本,它提供200 MHz的时钟速度。 Pentium Pro于1995年发布。PentiumPro采用600和350 nm技术制造,并具有新的插座类型支持Socket 8。

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Pentium Pro

奔腾MMX (Pentium MMX)

Pentium MMX provides extra features about some multimedia tasks like encoding and decoding. Pentium MMX also provides some extra speed with 233 MHz clock speed and manufactured with 350 nm technology.

Pentium MMX提供了一些有关多媒体任务的附加功能,例如编码和解码。 奔腾MMX还以233 MHz时钟速度提供了一些额外的速度,并采用350 nm技术制造。

Pentium MMX

奔腾II (Pentium II)

Pentium II is the major update to the Pentium series with a 450 MHz clock speed which is about two times faster than previous version. Pentium II is released in 1997. Pentium II is manufactured with 350 and 250 nm technologies. Pentium supports different socket types like Slot1, MMC-1, MMC-2, Mini-Cartridge, PPGA-B615.

Pentium II是奔腾系列的主要更新,时钟速度为450 MHz,比以前的版本快约两倍。 奔腾II于1997年发布。奔腾II采用350和250 nm技术制造。 奔腾支持不同的插槽类型,例如Slot1,MMC-1,MMC-2,Mini-Cartridge,PPGA-B615。

奔腾III (Pentium III)

Pentium III is a major update to the Pentium II with a lot faster clock speeds. Pentium III is released in 1999. Pentium III provides 1400 MHz clock speed by using 250 and 130 nm manufacturing technologies. Pentium III Xeon is created with more enterprise features for servers and workstations. Mobile Pentium III is designed for mobile devices like laptops and terminals with less power consumption.

Pentium III是对Pentium II的主要更新,具有更快的时钟速度。 奔腾III于1999年发布。奔腾III通过使用250和130 nm制造技术提供1400 MHz时钟速度。 Pentium III Xeon的创建具有针对服务器和工作站的更多企业功能。 移动奔腾III专为笔记本电脑和终端等移动设备设计,具有较低的功耗。

Pentium III

奔腾4 (Pentium 4)

Pentium 4 is created in 2000 as a major update to Pentium III. Pentium 4 provides 3800 MHz clock speeds which are near to the practical limit of CPU clock frequency. Pentium 4 is created with 180 and 65 nm technologies. Pentium 4 can be used with Netburst socket type. Netburst feature doubles the instruction pipeline and improves the L1 and L2 cache performance. Pentium 4 Extreme Editon is created for higher performance and clock speeds with overclocking. Another big feature of the Pentium 4 is a 64-bit architecture. Both 32 and 64 bit OS and software can run on Pentium 4.

Pentium 4创建于2000年,是对Pentium III的重大更新。 奔腾4提供3800 MHz的时钟速度,接近CPU时钟频率的实际极限。 Pentium 4是使用180和65 nm技术创建的。 奔腾4可以与Netburst插座类型一起使用。 Netburst功能使指令流水线加倍,并提高了L1和L2缓存性能。 Pentium 4 Extreme Editon通过超频来提供更高的性能和时钟速度。 奔腾4的另一个重要功能是64位体系结构。 奔腾4可以同时运行32位和64位操作系统和软件。

Pentium 4

奔腾D(双核) (Pentium D (Dual-Core))

With Pentium 4 the limit of the single-core CPU is reached which is about 4000 MHz. In order to make CPU faster, Intel released the Pentium D which is the short name of Pentium Dual-Core. Pentium D provides two cores that act like two CPU which will almost double the performance. Pentium D is released in 2005 and manufactured with 65 and 45 nm technologies. Pentium D clock speed is set to  2600 MHz in order to make less heat.

奔腾4达到了单核CPU的极限,约为4000 MHz。 为了使CPU更快,英特尔发布了Pentium D,它是Pentium Dual-Core的缩写。 奔腾D提供了两个内核,就像两个CPU一样,性能几乎翻了一番。 奔腾D于2005年发布,采用65和45 nm技术制造。 奔腾D时钟速度设置为2600 MHz,以减少发热量。

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Pentium D (Dual-Core)

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-pentium-intel/



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