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Theresa May loses big over her Brexit deal

On January 15th Britain’s prime minister, Theresa May, lost the parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal by the huge margin of 230 votes, the largest-ever defeat for a ruling party. Coming after five days of debate during which Tory backbenchers repeatedly said they would vote down the deal, the result was not a surprise. But the margin of defeat was. It leaves Mrs May with precious little time to decide what to do next.1 月 15 日,英国首相特蕾莎·梅输掉了脱欧协议的议会投票,而这个协议是她参与制定的。票数差距高达 230 票,堪称是英国执政党有史以来输得最惨的一次。在长达五天的辩论中,保守党的后座议员曾反复提出他们会投票否决脱欧协议。所以,之后的投票败北并不让人意外。真正让人意外的,是选票差额之大。这让梅必须在很有限的时间内决定下一步的行动。

Following her defeat, Mrs May promised to consult MPs on possible changes to make her Brexit deal more palatable. She would then hope to go back to Brussels to get legal changes. The European Union is, after all, familiar with countries’ difficulties in ratifying treaties. Add a few tweaks and declarations, offer some concessions—and invite the country concerned to vote again.

The trouble is that such a course is far harder this time round. The EU leaders are adamant that they cannot make legally substantive changes to the much-disliked Irish “backstop”, which guarantees that there will be no hard border in Ireland by, if necessary, keeping the entire United Kingdom in a customs union with the EU.

Some MPs will push for a second referendum. Others are hoping to take charge of the Brexit process themselves. The risk is that Britain could leave the EU with no deal at all, wreaking maximum damage on the economy. Mrs May said that she was firmly against that idea.一些议会议员将努力推进第二轮的全民公决,另一些则期望亲自负责脱欧进程。脱欧协议被投票否决的风险在于,英国可能会“无协议脱欧”,对经济造成最大程度上的损害。梅说,她坚决反对这种想法。

——— 文章来源 / 经济学人


adj. 议会的,国会的(parliament n.)

n. (获胜者在时间或票数上领先的)幅度,差额

  • Lala won by a narrow margin.

ruling party

  • opposition party

adj. 保守党成员的,托利党人的(Tory n.)

n. (英国和其他国家议会的)后座议员,后排议员,普通议员

vote down

adj. (主意、建议等)合意的,可接受的

  • Some of the dishes have been changed to make them more palatable to Chinese consumers.

v. 批准,正式签署

n. 条约,协定

  • a peace treaty
  • draw up a treaty

n. 扭,拧;轻微的调整,小小的改进

  • I gave her ear a tweak.
  • Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the essay. (v.)

n. 公告,宣言

  • the Declaration of Independence

n. 让步,妥协

  • make some concessions

this time round

adj. 坚决的,坚定不移的

  • Impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change a decision.
  • She’s adamant that she’s coming.

substantive/ˈsʌbstəntɪv/ /səbˈstæntɪv/
adj. 重要的;实质性的

backstop /ˈbækstɑːp/
n. 支撑物;后备方案

  • Something that is prepared in advance in order to prevent worse problems if something goes wrong

n. 海关;关税

push for

  • push for equality

n. 全民公决,全民公投

v. 造成,引起(灾祸等)

  • To wreak means to cause something to happen in a violent and often uncontrolled way.
  • The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops.

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