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Duke University apologizes over professor’s email asking Chinese students to speak English

Duke University has apologized after a professor cautioned international students against speaking Chinese on campus and urged them to speak English instead.

The professor, Megan Neely, issued the caution in an email on Friday and she has since asked to step down from her role as director of graduate studies in the medical school’s biostatistics master’s program.

The dean of Duke’s medical school, Dr. Mary E. Klotman apologized to students and said she had asked the university’s Office for Institutional Equity to conduct a “thorough review.”

Ken Lee, chief executive of OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, said he was disappointed by what he described as an “ignorance and hateful bias against students.”

“Forcing students to repress their heritage language further perpetuates a wrongful culture of fear toward Asian and Asian-American students,” Mr. Lee said in a statement on Sunday.

In a letter dated Saturday, a group of international students at Duke petitioned the university to investigate what happened leading up to Professor Neely’s email. “We wrote the petition to combat the normalization of xenophobia and discrimination against Chinese students at Duke,” the students said.

About 36 of the 54 students in Duke’s master of biostatistics program are Chinese, according to the university.
杜克大学方表示,该校生物统计学硕士项目的 54 名学生中,约有 36 名中国人。

More than one million foreign students study in the United States each year, with roughly one-third coming from China. But universities have seen a decline in international student enrollment. International enrollment began to flatten in 2016, partly because of changing conditions abroad, but also, college administrators said, because President Trump’s rhetoric and more restrictive views on immigration have made the United States even less attractive to international students.
每年有 100 多万外国学生在美国学习,其中大约三分之一来自中国。但是,大学的国际学生入学人数有所下降。2016 年,国际招生开始趋缓,部分原因是海外形势的变化,但学院管理人员表示,还有一个原因在于特朗普总统在移民问题上的夸夸其谈和愈发限制性的观点,使美国对国际学生的吸引力下降。

————— 文章来源 / 纽约时报


caution (sb.) against (sth.)

  • 词性拓展:caution(n. 警告,小心)
  • 搭配短语:to caution sb. against making a hasty decision
  • 词义辨析:caution, warn
    caution 和 warn 有一些区别,虽然这两个词意思接近,但 warn 这个词的语气要比 caution 严重,尤其指严重后果,而 caution 主要是指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含有小心从事、谨慎的意味,比如说,谨慎对待某事:to treat sth with caution,另外,在英文里,有一个常用搭配,to throw or cast caution to the winds,意思是不顾风险、鲁莽行事。

step down

  • 例句:He had to step down on account of poor health.

n. 生物统计学


v. 使…永久,使…持续

  • 英文释义:to make sth. such as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue for a long time
  • 例句:This monument was built to perpetuate the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

adj. 不公正的,不道德的,不合法的

  • 词义辨析:wrongful, wrong
    wrongful 的意义和 wrong 有些区别,主要是指法律或组织措施上的“冤枉”或“不当”。比如 wrongful dismissal 不当解雇,wrongful conviction 错误定罪。也可以指“不正当”、“非法”,比如 wrongful arrest 非法拘捕。

petition (sb.) to do (sth.)

  • 搭配短语:a divorce petition (n.)
  • 搭配短语:to petition for sth.
  • 搭配短语:to petition Parliament for reform of the law
  • 搭配短语:to petition for divorce

v. 打击,制止

  • 搭配短语:armed combat (n.)
  • 搭配短语:to combat crime/inflation

n. 正常化

  • 词性拓展:normalize (v.)
  • 搭配短语:the normalization of bilateral relations

n. 对外国人的憎恶或恐惧,仇外

v. 使…变平

  • 英文释义:to make or become flat
  • 搭配短语:The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking.

n. 花言巧语,华而不实的言语

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