
Hard Skills – The Essentials

The work of a quantitative researcher is mission critical to firms like ours that work with some of the largest and most complex datasets – financial markets.

Here are some of the skills a strong “map maker” brings to the table:

  • Advanced knowledge of probability and statistics

  • The ability to reduce data to its mathematical core

  • The aptitude to identify patterns and trends in data sets

  • The deftness to formulate hypotheses and actionable solutions

  • A baseline understanding of how to translate      algorithms into code

  • Some of the most common programming languages for quantitative researchers include C++, Python.

Soft Skills – Tricks of the Trade / Pro Tips

The reason that so few can call themselves the best of the best in quantitative research is that excellence in this profession requires a unique combination of technical and “soft skills.” Some of these soft skills that help the best stand out include:


One of the most important soft skills that a quantitative researcher can cultivate is the ability to  develop deep relationships with peers and other teams.A quantitative researcher often has to communicate conclusions to both traders and software engineers in their terms. Quantitative researchers must communicate their conclusions in a manner that allows the rest of us to make effective investment decisions.


To be a successful quant, you must have an understanding and acceptance that you need to probe at every step along the journey to solve a complex problem, from defining the problem to accepting a conclusion.  We seek to understand the What and the Why. The well-trained data scientist knows to look at any of their findings or conclusions with some degree of skepticism. Finding the answer is only the beginning. You then question the answer.


You will undoubtedly want to prove your idea or hypothesis. However, you will find that sometimes, the result of your analysis disproves your hypothesis.  You must remember the goal is to learn and seek to understand truth.Do not become discouraged when the result of your research is not what you predicted.


You have to be someone who has the courage to navigate ambiguity.


C++ Developer  (Trading Platform)

Quantitative Researcher (Machine Learning)

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