Appointment 约会,约定
an arrangement for a meeting at a given time and place
If you would like to meet Mr Lee, you must first make an appointment with his secretary.

attendance 出席,出席人数
the number of persons present
I was very pleased with the number of high-ranking officals in attendance at today’s press conference.

cabinet 橱柜
He keeps all files in the cabinets in the back of of the office.

calendar 日历,月历
Please check the calendar on the wall and see the which date Mother’s day falls on this year?

Clerk 办事员,书记
a person who works in an office,bank, or law court and whose job is to look after the records or accounts
She was offered a job as an accounts clerk with a travel firm.

directory 人名住址薄
If you need to speak to him,you can use the office directory and look up his person extension.

duplicate 复制
an identical copy,to replicate
Please don’t bring a duplicate,since I will need to see your original birth certificate for his passport.

filing 归档
putting in useful order
Developed in the early 1900’s the Dewey decimal system is a filing system still used by libraries today.

monitor 检测,监测
To watch,keep track of,often by means of an electronic device
Seismic readouts are carefully monitored by seismologists,who are always on the lookout for the next big earthquake.

partition 分割,分割物
We don’t have the money to build an entirely new office,but what we can do is add a partition and divide one or two of the larger office into multiple smaller ones.

postage 邮费
the charge for mailing an item
How much postage is required for a small package to be sent to HonKong.

Punctuality 守时,准时
In addition to your address and appearance,punctuality and concise delivery are really important when you are giving so much important presentation.

shift 换班,轮班,值班
They often hear him conplain about having to work the graveyard shift in order to pay the bills.

strike 罢工
I’m glad that our employees were satisfied and didn’t find the need for a strike to express their concerns.

work force 工作人员,劳动人口
After months of unemplyment, Tim joined the American work force as the night manager at KFC.

Assignment 工作,分配,分派
Since he has been covering the same story for two weeks,I think she would really be excited about a new assignment.

bulletin 公告
I sent out a bulletin to all of the executives(高管),informing them if the changes discussed at today’s meeting.

carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本
You will need to keep that carbon copy of that receipt for your record and give me the original.

extension 分机,延期
For further information,please contact 2344-3849,extension 104

intercom 对讲机
Would you please page Mr. William over the intercom and tell him to meet me at front desk.

memo 便条,备忘录
Everyone’s curiosity was piqued upon circulation of a memo announcing the senior vice-presiden’s resignation.

printed matter 印刷品
Please check all the letters with printed matter on them as we can get a better rate for them at the post office.

receptionist 接待员
Before entering the boardroom.Mr Withers told the receptionist to hold all of his calls until after the home.

shorthand 速记
Because his secretary was so adept at shorthand,he felt comfortable dictating to her at his own pace.

stapler 订书机
The stapler gets jammed every time I want to use it.

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