macos 终端下载

Tired of opening the Mac App Store to install macOS updates? Use the Terminal instead.

厌倦了打开Mac App Store来安装macOS更新? 请改用终端机。

The Mac App Store is slow, especially on older Macs. Even on newer Macs, the store is kind of annoying to use for updates. That’s why we showed you how to update or install Mac App Store software from the Terminal, but sadly that method doesn’t let you update macOS itself.

Mac App Store运行缓慢,尤其是在较旧的Mac上。 即使是在较新的Mac上,该商店也很讨厌用于更新。 这就是为什么我们向您展示了如何从终端上更新或安装Mac App Store软件的原因,但可悲的是,该方法不允许您更新macOS本身。

Don’t worry! It turns out there’s a built-in method for downloading macOS updates from the Terminal, and it’s not that hard to use. Here’s a quick tutorial.

不用担心事实证明,有一种内置方法可以从终端下载macOS更新,并且使用起来并不难。 这是一个快速教程。

从终端列出并安装macOS更新 (List and Install macOS Updates From the Terminal)

Open the Terminal, which you can find using the Finder by heading to Applications > Utilities. Next, type softwareupdate -l at the prompt and hit Return. This command lists all available updates on your system.

打开终端,您可以使用Finder前往“应用程序”>“实用程序”来找到终端。 接下来,在提示符下键入softwareupdate -l并单击Return。 该命令列出了系统上所有可用的更新。

Downloading and installing all available updates is simple: just use the command softwareupdate -i -a and you’re set.

下载和安装所有可用的更新很简单:只需使用命令softwareupdate -i -a设置。

You can use your computer while the download is happening, which is nice. Eventually you’ll be asked to restart your computer.

下载进行期间,您可以使用计算机,这很好。 最终,系统将要求您重新启动计算机。

Do this to finish the installation. Wasn’t that easy?

这样做完成安装。 那不是那么容易吗?

A quick note: if you’d prefer to install only one of the available updates, you can: just use the command softwareupdate -i followed by the exact name of the update in single quotes. We found this method frustrating, but it’s there for you when you don’t want to install everything all at once.

快速说明:如果您只想安装其中一个可用的更新,则可以:仅使用命令softwareupdate -i然后在单引号中加上更新的确切名称。 我们发现此方法令人沮丧,但是当您不想一次全部安装所有功能时,就可以使用该方法。

从终端下载macOS更新而不进行安装 (Download macOS Updates From the Terminal Without Installing)

There’s no way, in the Mac App Store, to download an update manually without also triggering the installation. That’s annoying, but you can work around this using the Terminal.

在Mac App Store中,无法手动下载更新而不触发安装。 这很烦人,但是您可以使用终端解决此问题。

First, list all the available updates using softwareupdate -l, like we did above.

首先,像上面一样,使用softwareupdate -l列出所有可用的更新。

You can download all of these updates without installing them using the command softwareupdate -d -a.

您可以下载所有这些更新,而无需使用命令softwareupdate -d -a安装它们。

After downloading, you can install updates from the Mac App Store, if you want: you’ll get to skip the download step. You can also use the installation terminal commands we covered in the previous section.

下载后,如果需要,您可以从Mac App Store安装更新:您将跳过下载步骤。 您还可以使用上一节中介绍的安装终端命令。

Of course the Terminal isn’t for everyone. If all of this sounds like way too much work, you can control when macOS updates are installed using the macOS settings.

当然,终端并不适合所有人。 如果这一切听起来太麻烦了,您可以使用macOS设置控制何时安装macOS更新。


macos 终端下载

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