
Conversation A:
A: I'm so excited!We have two weeks off! What are you going to do?

B: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay home. Maybe I'll watch a few DVDs. What about you? Any plans?

A: Yeah, I'm going to relax at the beach with my cousin for a couple of weeks. We're going to go surfing every day.

B: Sounds like fun.

A: Say, why don't you come with us?

B: Do you mean it? I'd love to! I'll bring my surfboard!

Conversation B:

A: That's great! The more the merrier!

B: By the way, where are we going to stay?

A: Oh, we can stay at my aunt uncle's beach house. They have plenty of room and I'm sure they'll be happy to have guests.I'll call them tonight to let them know what time we're going to arrive.I guess we'll leave pretty early. There's a direct bus every morning at 5:00 a.m.

B: That's fine with me. I think I'll be too excited to sleep!

A: I know! And the best thing is, we'll probably get there in time to spend a few hours at the beach after we get settled.

Conversation About Travel Tips:

A: What should people do to make their visit to New York City safe and pleasant?

B: One important thing to remember is not to try to do too much in a short time. Ideally, you should start planning before you get here. You ought to decide in advanced which sights you most want to see.

A: Are there any good tours available?

B: Oh, yes, lots. Several Companies offer bus tours that stop at all the major tourist attractions. It's a good idea to buy a pass so you can get on and off wherever you like. You should visit our website to find out about the latest tours and special events.

A: I see. And is New York a safe city for visitors?

B: It's safer than many cities in the world. But just like in any big city, you should still be careful. For example, don't go off on your own, especially at night. And don't be afraid to ask questions. Even American visitors have to ask for help when they come here. You'll find that New Yorkers are pretty friendly. They like welcoming visitors to their city and don't mind giving directions.

A: One last thing, is it an expensive city to visit?

B: It can be, but there are plenty of cheap places in the city where you don't have to spend a fortune. If you're an student, you should bring your student ID cards with you. That way, you can get a discount on entrance into museums and galaxies. Oh, and never carry much money on you.

A: Is there anything else you like to add?

B: Yeah, just that most people have a great time when they come to New York. And I'm sure you will, too.

Free Talk:


Advice 三句话总结

We learnt how to offer suggestions this week and why don't we practice it online?

You can choose any topic that you are interested in, then offer one piece of suggestion in this way.

(Topic sentence):You should set goals, (Detail Sentence) that is to say,you need to determine how fluent you want to become and set small goals that will help you gradually reach your desired level of knowledge. Small steps are easier to work through. For example, if learning 40 new words each month seems intimidating, tell yourself to learn 10 new words each week. The smaller goal might be easier to work toward.

(Topic sentence):You should set some small goals,(Detail Sentence) :that is to say,you need to determine how fluent you want to become and set small goals that will help you gradually reach your desired level of knowledge. Small steps are easier to work through. For example, if learning 40 new words each month seems intimidating, tell yourself to learn 10 new words each week. The smaller goal might be easier to work toward.

Other examples:

You should get more familiar with yourself when preparing for interviews.That means not only you need to write and recite your resume but you must also get pretty familiar with it before you send it to your interviewer, because you may be asked more detailed questions about the information in your resume. If you can't answer it fluently and rationally, you may be thought as dishonest, which can be destructive to your interview. For example, if your resume include something like "good at Excel to dispose and analyze data", you'd better look up some formulas and thier function in Excel and prepare to tell them to your interviewer.

You should prepare for your job hunting early especially learning English. That is to say, you need to know what kind of jobs you really like, and prepare as soon as possible. Having done with your self-introduction, interview skills, getting to know the company you prefer. Learning English well before the last year of college is an advisable choice. For example, if you are a sophomore or senior, come to CEF and practice everyday, don't wait until graduation.

(Topic sentence):You should go on a diet. (Detail Sentence) :that is to say,you need eat some healthy food such as fruits ,vegetables,whole-grain the same time,you have to exercise everyday. Most important,you ought to eat regularlly.For example, you can eat one apple or another fruit when you finish lunch or supper,it's good for digestion.Then,you can go to playground for running about 30 minuters with your friends.Finally,you'd not better eat too many snacks or eat supper at midnight,it will affect not only your health,but your weight as well!

Other topics:

***What are your hobbies? what are you like to do?***

I like …watching TV/listening to music/walking/jogging (慢跑)

I quite like …cooking/playing chess/yoga

I really like …swimming/dancing

I love …the theatre/the cinema/going out/clubbing

I enjoy travelling


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