
  • 16.1 The three instrumental conditions
  • 16.2 The usual IV estimand
  • 16.3 A fourth identifying condition: homogeneity
  • 16.4 An alternative fourth condition: monotonicity
  • 16.5 The three instrumental conditions revisited
  • 16.6 Instrumental variable estimation versus other methods
  • Fine Point
    • Candidate instruments in observational studies.
    • Defining weak instruments.
  • Technical Point
    • The instrumental conditions, formally.
    • Bounds: Partial identification of causal effect.
    • Additive structural mean models and IV estimation.
    • Multiplicative structural mean models and IV estimation.
    • More general structural mean models.
    • Monotonicity and the effect in the compliers.

HernKaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\'' in math mode at position 1: \̲'̲{a}n M. and Robins J. Causal Inference: What If.

一种不依赖adjustment的方法: instrumental variable.
这个方法的特点就是需要很强很强的假设, 所以我只是粗粗的看了看, 在此仅列出目录.

16.1 The three instrumental conditions

16.2 The usual IV estimand

16.3 A fourth identifying condition: homogeneity

16.4 An alternative fourth condition: monotonicity

16.5 The three instrumental conditions revisited

16.6 Instrumental variable estimation versus other methods

Fine Point

Candidate instruments in observational studies.

Defining weak instruments.

Technical Point

The instrumental conditions, formally.

Bounds: Partial identification of causal effect.

Additive structural mean models and IV estimation.

Multiplicative structural mean models and IV estimation.

More general structural mean models.

Monotonicity and the effect in the compliers.

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