
【简答题】Even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something vaster and broader than ever thought before.


【其它】The Einsteins,however,could not afford to pay for the advanced education that young Albert needed.


【简答题】Today people often talk about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution. (增加概括词)



【简答题】The Einstein , however , could not afford to pay for the advanced education that young Albert needed.

【简答题】Jim Thorpe was a hero after the Olympics and a sad,bewildered man not too much later. (增加动词)


【简答题】As mutual understanding deepens,love is solidified. (增加副词)




【简答题】His talent as an author was soon discovered,and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. (增加形容词)



【简答题】Success is often just an idea away.原译:成功往往只是一个念头的距离。



【其它】When air is in rapid motion,there is a decrease of pressure as the speed of the air increases and an increase of pressure as the speed of the air decreases.




【简答题】The molecules get closer and closer with the pressure. (增加动词)


【其它】Even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something vaster and broader than ever thought before.

【简答题】The dust,the uproar and the growing darkness threw everything into chaos.原译:烟尘、喧闹声和渐浓的夜色使一切都陷入混乱之中。

【简答题】When air is in rapid motion , there is a decrease of pressure as the speed of the air increases and an increase of pressure as the speed of the air decreases.


【其它】No matter what the situation,arguments are a waste or,at best, a misuse of time.



【简答题】For mistakes had been made, bad ones. (增加承上启下的词)



【填空题】生物工程的内容主要包括 、 、 和 等。

【其它】The property the air has of taking up a great amount of water when heated and giving it out when cooled, is the cause of our clouds and rain.






【简答题】This weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time. (增加副词)




【简答题】John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.

【简答题】It is such a small investment and yet with the consideration of the results it may produce.(增加形容词)

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