Love Apple Music, but tired of the intrusive Connect feature taking up space on your favorite artist’s page? Well, don’t worry, because getting “dis-Connected” is just a matter of changing a few simple settings in your iPhone or iPad running iOS 8.0 or above.

喜欢Apple Music,但厌倦了侵入性的Connect功能占用了您喜欢的艺术家页面上的空间? 好吧,不用担心,因为“断开连接”只是在运行iOS 8.0或更高版本的iPhone或iPad中更改一些简单设置的问题。

创建和管理限制 (Creating and Managing Restrictions)

The Connect feed for artists that you follow and listen to is one of Apple Music’s flagship features with its new streaming service, but many hardcore enthusiasts are already sick of their main music app turning into another Facebook or Twitter, packed to the brim with irrelevant status updates that don’t add much extra to the overall listening experience.

通过其新的流媒体服务,为您关注和收听的艺术家提供的Connect feed是Apple Music的旗舰功能之一,但是许多铁杆爱好者已经厌倦了将其主要音乐应用程序转换为另一个Facebook或Twitter,并以无关紧要的状态塞满了边缘。不会给整体收听体验带来太多额外影响的更新。

To keep Apple Music running but disable Connect, start by entering your Settings app from the main screen.

要保持Apple Music的运行但禁用Connect,请从主屏幕输入“设置”应用程序开始。

Once here, select general, and move down to “Restrictions”.


If you haven’t used Restrictions before, you’ll need to create a new 4-digit PIN code to turn it on.


From here you simply scroll down to the “Apple Music Connect” toggle, and switch it off.

从这里,您只需向下滚动到“ Apple Music Connect”开关,然后将其关闭。

Now whenever you enter an artist’s page that was using Connect, the only thing you’ll see is their discography, top tracks, and latest album releases instead.


完全禁用Apple Music (Disable Apple Music Entirely)

Similarly, if you’re not interested in using the Apple Music feature at all, you can choose to hide the icon altogether.

同样,如果您完全对使用Apple Music功能不感兴趣,则可以选择完全隐藏图标。

Start by entering the Settings app one more time. Click the “Music” tab, and un-toggle the “Apple Music” switch.

从再进入一次设置应用程序开始。 单击“音乐”选项卡,然后取消切换“ Apple Music”开关。

Once this is off, the only content you’ll see in your Music app are the tunes which are saved locally on the device, or any Music you’ve downloaded through the iTunes Store proper.

关闭此功能后,您将在Music应用程序中看到的唯一内容是本地存储在设备上的音乐,或者通过iTunes Store适当下载的任何音乐。

Connect is a great feature, but it may not be for everyone. Thankfully, Apple isn’t going to force you to use anything you don’t want to, and disabling the option is an easy procedure that users of any skill level can master.

Connect是一个很棒的功能,但可能并不适合所有人。 值得庆幸的是,Apple不会强迫您使用任何您不希望使用的东西,并且禁用该选项是任何技能水平的用户都可以掌握的简单过程。

Image Credit: Apple Music

图片来源:Apple Music


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