Apple Music is heavily integrated into your iPhone’s Music app. This is great if you’re a subscriber, but the constant prompts and reminders to join get pretty tiresome if you’re not. The good news is you can remove Apple Music from the Music app. This will make it much more like the old Music app.

Apple Music已高度集成到您iPhone的Music应用程序中。 如果您是订阅者,那就太好了,但是如果您不是订阅者,那么不断的提示和提醒将使您厌烦。 好消息是您可以从“音乐”应用中删除Apple Music。 这将使其更像旧的音乐应用程序。

Go to Settings > Music and turn off the “Show Apple Music” toggle.

转到“设置”>“音乐”,然后关闭“显示Apple Music”开关。

This removes the “For You” and “Browse” tabs, replacing them with a “Connect” tab. It also stops the Music app prompting you to sign up every so often.

这将删除“为您”和“浏览”选项卡,而将其替换为“连接”选项卡。 它还会停止“音乐”应用程序,提示您经常进行注册。

As a dedicated Spotify subscriber, I’ve no interest in signing up to Apple Music. It just isn’t right for me. I do, however, still use the Music app from time to time to play the songs I’ve bought through iTunes over the years. At least with Apple Music turned off, the Music app is usable for non-subscribers.

作为Spotify的专用订阅者,我对注册Apple Music毫无兴趣。 这对我来说是不对的 。 但是,我确实仍然会不时使用“音乐”应用程序来播放我多年来通过iTunes购买的歌曲。 至少在关闭Apple Music的情况下,“音乐”应用可用于非订户。


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