

<!-- redis客户端 --><bean name="redis" class="redis.clients.jedis.Jedis" scope="prototype" ><constructor-arg name="host"><value></value></constructor-arg><constructor-arg name="port"><value type="int">6379</value></constructor-arg></bean>


Unexpected end of stream

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redis报错:jedis connection exception unexpected end of stream相关推荐

  1. 使用客户端jedis时报错Could not get a resource from the pool 以及使用Spring Data Redis报错解决方法

    一.Jedis 报错 今天在使用jedis时,一直报错 Could not get a resource from the pool 在网上找了好多解决的方法,并且找了半天错误,才发现是我的启动方式有 ...

  2. 【Exception】Navicat连接Oracle闪退 Navicat连接Oracle 报错:connection to server failed,probable Oracle Net admi

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  3. 阿里云 java程序 链接redis 报错 : IO Error: Connection reset

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  4. 03-Redis客户端连接Redis服务器(redis.conf 文件配置没有生效导致redis运行报错Error: Connection reset by peer)

    参考此链接配置 redis.conf,然后本文章才能继续操作 EditPlus连接Centos7修改Redis配置文件(建议FinalShell修改更加方便)https://blog.csdn.net ...

  5. 解决Redis报错Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk

    Redis报错信息 在Spring Boot中集成Redis客户之后,进行数据操作,发现报如下错误: org.springframework.data.redis.RedisSystemExcepti ...

  6. Celery 启动报错 can_read() got an unexpected keyword argument timeout

    问题: Celery 启动报错 can_read() got an unexpected keyword argument timeout 方案:更改redis版本和celery版本,我使用下面的ce ...

  7. SpringBoot 整合Redis报错:NoClassDefFoundError: redis/clients/util/SafeEncoder

    QUESTION:SpringBoot 整合Redis报错:NoClassDefFoundError: redis/clients/util/SafeEncoder? ANSWER: 这种情况是版本不 ...

  8. 解决Redis报错:MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist

    解决Redis报错:MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on ...

  9. 一次redis连接配置修改引发的redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Unexpected end of stream.异常

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