



You and the interviewer:

How do you do!

I'm eighteen years old. I am confident, clear, with good communication skills. Also playing basketball, climbing, running and other hobbies. I love to listen to music, recite lyric poetry,

novels, English, chat, sing. The teacher said I was a tireless optimist.

Since childhood I longed to fly in the blue sky, to friends around the world to do is my honor to warm and thoughtful service. I know as a flight attendant, not only to have the service of

others but also full of passion, tolerance, tolerance, will all rivers run into sea. This is the relationship between the national image of the glorious and sacred cause and I will care about

the feelings of others, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fly to yourself and others happy.

Maybe, I still immature, from that dream still lack a lot of conditions, but I will work hard to learn more things to enrich themselves, but also eager to get a chance to dream of flying from

the judges here. Thank you!


Everybody examiner good, very pleased today on this platform to show you myself, my name is _ _ is eighteen years old this year, I love reading, chatting, I cheerful and lively, can care

about the people and things around, and friends can live together in peace together, and full of confidence in life, when I was growing up more than ten years, so I developed a firm and

indomitable will and indomitable spirit.

I have been longing for the blue sky, flying in the blue sky is always my ideal, I was flying in the blue sky the happiness of life, my self perception let me feel the airline stewardess

become a correct choice, I hope you can give me a chance, I think I must be able to receive training at work and realize their own value at the same time, I also realized and working

relationship is established on the basis of self knowledge, I believe I can do this work. Airline stewardess is a sacred and noble occupation, and then write your understanding of the airline

stewardess occupation, I have no concept of what, this is my work for the best interpretation of airline stewardess so, I believe it can realize my agency Will the ideal and life value, hope

everybody can approve me, give me this opportunity, thank you...


My name is XXX, I come from Vivian I 68 1 meters tall, handsome, dignified, very friendly, I hope that through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, in the blue sky and white

clouds, then the universe Yunjuanyunshu, overlooking the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country.

The flight attendant, always is a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds and blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, I don't like angel so beautiful, but I

will from the heart to the passengers first, passenger is my angel. I don't care about people feel, leaned, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fly to

yourself and others happy.

Maybe, I still immature, but I will work hard, also hope to get a chance to dream of flying from you. I believe that when the dream was given a pair of wings, flying is not one kind of hope

again, I must fly to that distant, across the sea mountain white clouds blue sky world. I know I want that kind of happiness is in the higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to

fly higher.


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