
The invention provides an extension method for managing an IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) interface protocol by a server. In the method, server health information, video signals, storage information and resolution information are all stored in a Flashmemory in a BMC and then access can be carried out on the data through calling embedded base library functions which are compiled via C language. The method comprises the steps of: 1) establishing an extension interface protocol support environment through equipment such as an ICMB access switch, a storage board card and the like to ensure that the health information of the switch and storage equipment can be monitored and remote ON/OFF operations can be carried out on the equipment; 2) realizing an RPC (Remote Position Control) calling method, realizing bidirectional transmission of WebServer data by a user through a calling command, replacing XML (Extensive Makeup Language) by a JSON (Javascript Serialized Object Notation) structure for data storage, and respectively reading and writing JSON structure data at a client side and a server side by the user through JavaScript and embedded C language so as to realize command sending and state reading and writing; and 3) storing storage volume management information in the Flashmemory of the BMC via a form specified in IPMI standard, and carrying out access on the storage volume management information through an IPMI interface so as to carry out RAID (Redundant Array Of Independent Disks) and LVM (Logical Volume Manager) operations.


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