
Understanding form layout mechanisms in Qt - Stack Overflow

布局用于排列和管理构成用户界面的元素。Qt 提供了许多类来自动处理布局——QHBoxLayout、QVBoxLayout、QGridLayout和QFormLayout。这些类解决了自动布局小部件的挑战,提供行为可预测的用户界面。幸运的是,使用Qt Designer排列小部件不需要布局类知识。相反,从上下文菜单中选择“水平布局” 、“在网格中布局”等选项之一。

Each Qt widget has a recommended size, known as sizeHint(). The layout manager will attempt to resize a widget to meet its size hint. In some cases, there is no need to have a different size. For example, the height of a QLineEdit is always a fixed value, depending on font size and style. In other cases, you may require the size to change, e.g., the width of a QLineEdit or the width and height of item view widgets. This is where the widget size constraints -- minimumSize and maximumSize constraints come into play. These are properties you can set in the property editor. For example, to override the default sizeHint(), simply set minimumSize and maximumSize to the same value. Alternatively, to use the current size as a size constraint value, choose one of the Size Constraint options from the widget's context menu. The layout will then ensure that those constraints are met. To control the size of your widgets via code, you can reimplement sizeHint() in your code.

每个 Qt 小部件都有一个推荐的大小,称为sizeHint()。布局管理器将尝试调整小部件的大小以满足其大小提示。在某些情况下,不需要有不同的大小。例如,QLineEdit的高度始终是一个固定值,取决于字体大小和样式。在其他情况下,您可能需要更改大小,例如QLineEdit的宽度或项目视图小部件的宽度和高度。这就是小部件大小约束—— minimumSize和maximumSize约束发挥作用的地方。这些是您可以在属性编辑器中设置的属性。例如,要覆盖默认sizeHint(),只需设置minimumSize和maximumSize为相同的值。或者,要将当前大小用作大小约束值,请从小部件的上下文菜单中选择“大小约束”选项之一。然后,布局将确保满足这些约束。要通过代码控制小部件的大小,您可以在代码中重新实现sizeHint()。

What you should be aware of regarding layouts and their size policies

  • Most Qt widgets have a size policy. This size policy tells the system how the widget should stretch or shrink. It's got from the class QSizePolicy. A size policy has both vertical and horizontal components.
  • Most widgets also have a size Hint. This size hint tells the system a widgets preferred size
  • QSizePolicy has a stretch factor to allow widgets to grow at different rates

**I am only familiar with 4 size policies**

  • fixed size policy - The size of the widget is fixed and it can't be stretched. It remains at its size hint.
  • minimum size policy - The size hint is the smallest possible size of the widget, but it _can still_ grow bigger if necessary.
  • Preferred size policy - the widget can shrink or grow bigger than its size hint.
  • expanding size policy - the widget can shrink or grow bigger than its size hint :)

You may want to ask, What is the difference between preferred and expanding? **Answer:** Imagine a form with 2 widgets, one with preferred and another with expanding. Then any extra space will be given to the widget with the expanding policy. The widget with the preferred policy will remain at its size hint.

I recommend (WARNING: am not an expert :)) you buy and read through "C++ Gui programming with QT 2nd edition". I am currently reading it and it is making a lot of sense. Look at the images and see if they make some sense.

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