
It sounds like an exciting challenge: join a company and  shape the entire developer relations strategy as their first DevRel  engineer hire. How do you shape a modern and effective DevRel program,  while making sure you include accurate metrics, diversity and community building.

这听起来像是一个激动人心的挑战:加入公司,并制定第一个DevRel工程师职位,制定整个开发人员关系战略。 您如何制定现代有效的DevRel计划,同时确保您包括准确的指标,多样性和社区建设

Today I'm interviewing Sarah-Jane Morris, developer relations team  lead and community building expert. Sarah-Jane spent 6 years in San  Francisco building inclusive developer communities at companies like  Mashery, Intel, Keen IO, and most recently, Shopify. She has worked on  marketing, community, SEO and branding at both B2B and developer-facing  companies. She’s driven by an audacious vision of a diverse and  welcoming tech industry. I was curious how she would you address  community and effectiveness -- especially in, say, in an early stage  company where you are the first dedicated developer relations hire.

今天,我正在采访开发商关系团队负责人和社区建设专家Sarah-Jane Morris。 Sarah-Jane在旧金山花了6年的时间在Mashery,Intel,Keen IO和最近的Shopify等公司建立包容性开发人员社区。 她曾在B2B和面向开发人员的公司从事营销,社区,SEO和品牌推广工作。 她对多元化和热情的科技行业抱有大胆的愿景。 我很好奇她会如何处理社区和效率问题-尤其是在一家早期公司中,您是第一位专注于开发人员关系的人员。

I met Sarah-Jane most recently at DevRel Con San Francisco and when she spoke at ForwardJS Ottawa. She currently runs Listen Community Consulting, and she has graciously agreed to share her knowledge with me in this interview.

我最近在旧金山DevRel Con上与Sarah-Jane会面,当时她在渥太华ForwardJS讲话。 她目前运营着“听众社区咨询” ,并且很荣幸地同意在这次采访中与我分享她的知识。

目录 (Table of Contents)

  • Q: You're the first DevRel hire. Where do you start?问:您是第一位DevRel员工。 从哪里开始?
  • Q: Let's talk events: meetups, conferences or trade shows?问:让我们谈谈活动:聚会,会议还是商业展览?
  • Q: How do you determine a content strategy?问:您如何确定内容策略?
  • Q: How do I select the best DevRel tools for my team?问:如何为团队选择最佳的DevRel工具?
  • Q: How do you create metrics for DevRel?问:如何为DevRel创建指标?
  • Q: How do you choose an effective content platform?问:您如何选择有效的内容平台?

问:假设您是公司的第一位开发人员关系招聘人员。 您在许多方面都面临着艰巨的任务:文档,潜在客户,事件,内容,产品。 从哪里开始? (Q: Pretend you're the first developer relations hire at a company. You  have a huge task ahead of you on many fronts: docs, lead gen, events,  content, product. Where do you start?)

As a new DevRel, your first touchpoint is going to be the existing  community. One of your first mandates before even starting to think  about internal touchpoints would be to understand the needs of your  current community so you can get the baseline: how happy are they with  the docs? How do they feel? Have they come to events so far, what do  they want to see more of? SDKs?

作为新的DevRel,您的第一个接触点将是现有社区。 在甚至开始考虑内部接触点之前,您的首要任务之一就是了解您当前社区的需求,以便您获得基准:他们对文档的满意度如何? 他们感觉怎么样? 他们到目前为止是否参加过活动,他们想看到更多? SDK?

Whether that’s a series of one to one conversations after looking at  the data, or seeing who is most active based on how your product  measures activity (API calls, cloud accounts, etc.) Whatever the metric  is, talking to folks who are indicating that they are getting some sort  of value out of your tool.


Additionally, connecting with the folks who are not hitting  those metrics will help you paint a full picture of how the community is  currently interacting with some product. Connecting with the community  will let you create very high-level personas — through surveys, e.g. the survey work I’ve done with keen — We got a lot of data and we were really surprised that a lot of the assumptions about our community were wrong,  even assumptions as simple as the languages our community was speaking,  or how useful users found our community spaces such as Slack.

此外,与达到这些指标的人们进行联系将有助于您全面了解社区当前如何与某些产品进行交互。 与社区保持联系将使您能够创建非常高级的角色-通过调查,例如我敏锐地完成的调查工作 -我们获得了很多数据,并且令我们感到非常惊讶的是,关于社区的许多假设是错误的 ,甚至是像我们社区使用的语言这样简单的假设,或者有用的用户如何发现我们的社区空间(例如Slack)。

This baseline research will help you figure out what you should focus  on in your first six months: which programming languages, which sample  code, which strategies you should build out to reach out to communities.  What frameworks or tools are complementary to your product? What kind  of events should you go to? This baseline research is critical to  determine these crucial next steps.

这项基线研究将帮助您弄清楚在头六个月中应关注的重点:应使用哪些编程语言,示例代码,应建立哪些策略来接触社区。 哪些框架或工具可以补充您的产品? 您应该参加哪种活动? 基线研究对于确定这些关键的下一步至关重要。

问:公司中的每个人似乎对活动策略都有不同的想法:例如,首席执行官想要召开会议,销售想要参加贸易展览,工程想要参加聚会。 您如何制定事件的凝聚力愿景? (Q: It seems like everybody in the company has a different idea about  event strategy: for example, the CEO wants to do conferences, Sales  wants to do trade shows, Engineering wants to do meetups. How do you  craft a cohesive vision for events?)

From a Devrel perspective, you have to make sure that your meetups,  workshops, and talks align with the overall goals with DevRel. Maybe  it’s the community goals, maybe it’s to build out a “defensive moat” of  awareness for your company. In that case, you’re not measuring directly  to RoI: How many badges did we scan?

从Devrel的角度来看,您必须确保您的聚会,讲习班和讲座与DevRel的总体目标保持一致。 也许这是社区的目标,也许是为了为您的公司树立“防御性的护城河”。 在这种情况下,您不是直接测量RoI:我们扫描了多少个徽章?

Or, you’re working with marketing and perhaps you’re the one who can  speak in a most compelling way about the product in a technical sense.  It’s important to defend your goals as a DevRel team even while working  in collaboration with marketing. Make sure you surface your community  goals and product feedback goals into the event strategy that you decide  on collaboratively.

或者,您正在从事市场营销工作,也许您是可以从技术角度以最引人入胜的方式谈论该产品的人。 即使与市场营销合作,捍卫您作为DevRel团队的目标也很重要。 确保将社区目标和产品反馈目标体现在您共同决定的事件策略中。

When interviewing with the company as devrel hire #1, ask these  questions and get an idea of something that they want out of you. If  they only want you to go to marketing conferences, for example, you’ll  have to work with them to find some common ground.

在以公司第一名员工的身份采访公司时,提出以下问题,并从中了解他们想要的东西。 例如,如果他们只想让您参加营销会议,则必须与他们合作以找到一些共同点。

Make sure that your vision of DevRel is aligned with the company.  You’re going to wear many hats, but you’ll have to advocate for the  goals of the community and product feedback that show the true value of  what DevRel can bring to a company.

确保您对DevRel的愿景与公司保持一致。 您将戴着很多帽子,但您必须倡导社区的目标和产品反馈,这些反馈应显示DevRel可以带给公司的真正价值。

As Mary Thengvall says, “to the community you represent the company and to the company  you represent the community.” Make sure your events drive your core  mandate as a company and in the community.

正如Mary Thengvall所说:“在社区中,您代表公司,在公司中则代表社区。” 确保您的活动驱动着您作为公司和社区的核心任务。

问:一些组织将所有这些精力都放在内容和内容联合组织上,而其他组织则刚刚进入游戏领域。 您如何确定对新公司合适? (Q: Some organizations are throwing all this weight behind content and  content syndication, and others are just getting into the game. How do  you determine what’s right for a new company?)

Going back to our baseline research, one of the important things to  do is not only weave in interviews with users and stakeholders of the  company. From there, you’ll extract the “bigger picture” themes of what  kind of value your community is adding back to the tech community.

回到我们的基准研究,要做的重要事情之一不仅是与公司用户和利益相关者进行访谈。 从那里,您将提取“更大的前景”主题,这些主题是您的社区为技术社区增加的价值。

For example, at Shopify, our app marketplace was really helping us to  fulfill our mission to support entrepreneurs at a high level. So how  can you—as a company—start to raise brand awareness around certain  high-level value topics. If your company does continuous delivery, maybe  you’ll be talking about accelerating software development and making  developers more effective.

例如,在Shopify,我们的应用程序市场确实在帮助我们完成为企业家提供高水平支持的使命。 因此,作为一家公司,您如何才能围绕某些高价值主题开始提高品牌知名度。 如果您的公司持续交付,也许您会在谈论加速软件开发并提高开发人员的效率。

Think about do you want this content to live mostly on your blog, or  at more neutral places like dev.to or external blogs? (This is something  to work with marketing on.) It’s less about generating leads and more  about generating conversations that will drive users to your website,  let them research and eventually download a whitepaper and generate a  lead.

考虑一下您是否希望此内容主要在您的博客上,或者在更中立的位置(例如dev.to或外部博客)上生活? (这是与市场营销相关的工作。)与其说是生成线索,不如说是将用户吸引到您的网站,让他们进行研究并最终下载白皮书并生成线索的对话。

If content strategy seems too difficult, start by weaving your  content starting with your events strategy. Record talks at your events,  do recaps at events and post them to your blog, take pictures and post  them to social media. By weaving these two strategies together you can  get more value out of each strategy, which may be more accessible than  creating a content strategy in these large theme areas.

如果内容策略似乎太困难了,请从事件策略开始编织内容。 在您的活动中记录谈话内容,对活动进行总结,然后将其发布到您的博客,拍照并发布到社交媒体上。 通过将这两种策略结合在一起,您可以从每种策略中获得更多的价值,这比在这些大型主题领域中创建内容策略更容易获得。

问:这里有无数工具可用于管理社区,指标和DevRel工作流程。 您应该从哪里开始? (Q: There is a myriad of tooling out there to manage communities, metrics, and DevRel workflows. Where should you get started?)

This widely depends on factors like your budget. There are open  source tools out there, e.g. Vanilla has an open source forum. One thing  I’ve seen a lot with early-stage DevRel teams is they’ll start with a  Discord or a Slack. I would recommend that early on you start to build  out an evergreen Forum that you start to seed for developer information.

这在很大程度上取决于预算等因素。 那里有开源工具,例如Vanilla有一个开源论坛。 我在早期DevRel团队中经常看到的一件事是,他们将从Discord或Slack开始。 我建议您尽早开始建立一个常青的论坛,并开始为开发者信息提供种子。

One thing you can do as part of your early stage baseline research is  to ask developers about what kinds of data they want and how they want  to interact with devrel in your company. Through those conversations,  you can roll out an alpha version and incentivize your power users to  seed these tools with questions, answers, and information.

作为早期基线研究的一部分,您可以做的一件事是询问开发人员他们想要什么样的数据以及他们如何与公司中的devrel进行交互。 通过这些对话,您可以推出Alpha版本并激励您的高级用户使用问题,答案和信息来播种这些工具。

Early on, your Slack or Discord will be amazing because your team  will be engaged and people will get questions answered, but  unfortunately, eventually, this will not scale. Eventually, you’ll want  something that keeps answers available and makes them available via SEO.

早期,您的Slack或Discord会很棒,因为您的团队会参与进来,并且人们会回答问题,但是不幸的是,最终,这不会扩展。 最终,您需要使答案保持可用并通过SEO使其可用的内容。

I hesitate to encourage devrel teams to rely too much on external  communities like StackOverflow. They should definitely be monitored, but  having everything living on StackOverflow takes awareness control away  from your hub. External forums can also be a less friendly place than a  moderated community hub that you control, and you don’t want new users  shot down every time they ask a question, which is the stereotype with  some of these external resources.

我毫不犹豫地鼓励devrel团队过度依赖外部社区,例如StackOverflow。 绝对应该对它们进行监视,但是将一切都保留在StackOverflow上可以使意识控制远离您的中心。 外部论坛也可能比您控制的主持人社区中心更不友好,并且您不希望新用户每次问一个问题时都会被击倒,这是其中一些外部资源的刻板印象。

问:您应该如何为DevRel团队创建指标? (Q: How should you create metrics for your DevRel team?)

The number of attendees at events is an easy metric, but the way you  measure the success of your events should be based on a survey at the  end of the event, similar to an NPS event score, just to get a sense of  whether people will attend future events and whether they liked the  content. Over time, you’ll start to notice patterns.

参加活动的人数是一个简单的指标,但是衡量活动成功与否的方法应基于活动结束时的调查,类似于NPS活动得分,以了解人们是否愿意参加将来的活动以及他们是否喜欢这些内容。 随着时间的流逝,您将开始注意到模式。

Another thing to look at: repeat attendees. These days I find myself  mostly talking about a series of meetups because you can get good data.  However, for a conference, I’ll always point a developer company away  from a booth or as an exclusive way of engaging developers. Sign up for a  workshop in addition to your booth, or a really tactical talk that lets  your company educate and give value back to the community. Maybe the  metric there is “How many folks actually made it through what you were  teaching?” At Shopify, we did a series of GraphQL workshops and we  measured how many got through each step in the workshop. Then, from a  business perspective, measure how many of the attendees actually built  out something with your tools.

另一件事要看:重复参加者。 这些天,我发现自己主要是在谈论一系列聚会,因为您可以获得良好的数据。 但是,对于会议,我总是将开发人员公司带到展位之外,或者作为吸引开发人员的独家方式。 除了您的展位之外,还可以注册一个研讨会,或者进行真正的战术演讲,让您的公司进行教育并为社区带来价值。 也许度量标准是“有多少人实际上是通过您所教的知识实现的?” 在Shopify,我们进行了一系列的GraphQL研讨会,并衡量了参加研讨会的每个步骤有多少人。 然后,从业务角度,衡量有多少参加者实际上使用您的工具构建了某些东西。

Hackathons are similar to Workshops in terms of their engagement  metrics. That being said, you can also track the “cliche DevRel  numbers:” how many stickers did you hand out? There is a little bit of  swag fatigue in the community these days, but you can also (for example)  raise money for a nonprofit, and measure how much money attendees and  people donate.

黑客马拉松的参与度指标与工作坊相似。 话虽如此,您还可以跟踪“ clidev DevRel数字”:您分发了多少个贴纸? 如今,社区中有些赃物疲劳,但是您也可以(例如)为非营利组织筹集资金,并衡量参与者和人们的捐款金额。

In the end, be realistic. Events are about building things,  like brand engagement, that is immeasurable. These little touch-points  over time really start to build momentum for your brand, because  developers know who you are and have a good feeling about you. Track  these in ways that are as short and sweet as possible: “Did you like  it?” “Would you come again?”

最后, 要现实一点 。 活动是关于建立不可估量的事物,例如品牌参与度。 随着时间的推移,这些微小的接触点真正开始为您的品牌建立动力,因为开发人员知道您是谁,并对您有好感。 以尽可能简短和甜美的方式跟踪这些内容:“您喜欢吗?” “你会再来吗?”

问:发布社区内容时,您的指标可能会受到所使用的平台(内部或外部)的影响。 您如何明智地选择? (Q: When publishing community content, your metrics can be impacted by  the platform you use: internal or external. How do you choose wisely?)

Jeff Lindquist has a slide that says “Go where developers are!” Our  tagline at Mashery was the same, and that has always guided my  strategies. If there is a concentration of developers reading a certain  publication and you can add value there, it just makes sense to craft  content there. There will be a lot of novel things to keep in mind:  Dev.to is a great place to syndicate your content because you can put in  a canonical URL, so you’ll be able to get that SEO juice.

杰夫·林德奎斯特(Jeff Lindquist)的幻灯片上写着“去哪里开发人员!” 我们在Mashery的口号是一样的,这始终指导着我的策略。 如果集中开发人员阅读某个出版物,并且您可以在那里增加价值,那么在这里制作内容就很有意义。 这里有许多新颖的事情要牢记:Dev.to是整合您的内容的好地方,因为您可以输入规范的URL,这样您就可以得到SEO果汁。

There’s an ongoing tension between DevRels as “personality”  individuals that agnostically work with the company and try to be as  neutral as possible, versus the DevRel that is purely inside the  company, so where does the content live to reflect that?


By using an external tool inside the company, you can walk that fine line — some companies historically did that by having a Medium  publication for that corporation, but recently Medium has been pushing  their paywall. These days you’ll also see a number of people using  dev.to, but you don’t want to rely too much on one tool, and your  publication tooling will change as your tooling changes and your company  changes.

通过使用公司内部的外部工具,您可以走到一条细线-某些公司在历史上曾通过为该公司开设Medium出版物来做到这一点,但最近Medium一直在推销他们的付费专区。 如今,您还会看到许多人在使用dev.to,但是您不想过多地依赖一种工具,并且随着工具的变化和公司的变化,发布工具也会随之变化。

Thanks to Sarah-Jane Morris for this interview.

感谢Sarah-Jane Morris的采访。

下一步: (Next Steps:)

  • Follow Sarah-Jane on Twitter


  • Reach out to Listen Community Consulting


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/devrel-engineer-one-building-a-developer-relations-team-from-the-ground-up/



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    ML:从工程化思维分析-机器学习团队十大角色的简介(背景/职责/产出物):产品经理.项目经理.业务咨询顾问.数据科学家.ML研究员.数据工程师.ML工程师.DevOps/软件开发/交付工程师 背景:在 ...

  9. 全栈工程师实战:从 0 开发云笔记

    专栏亮点 无死角全栈开发:数据库设计.服务端开发.Web 前端开发,三大板块,无死角学习,弥补你的技能短板: 真实项目实战:基于真实项目的实战开发,即学即用,不再迷茫: 规范化开发流程:每个功能,都严 ...


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  4. C# 给自己写的软件,加注册码功能。
  5. microsoft账户登录一直加载_LoL手游登录常见问题答疑
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  7. tgp饥荒搭建服务器证书,饥荒:联机版服务器搭建方法 搭建TGP专属服务器教程_3DM单机...
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  12. 【寒假每日一题2022】acw1934. 贝茜放慢脚步【二路归并】
  13. C语言程序设计-用英文单词模拟数学计算系统
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  1. JVM——Java对象是如何创建、存储和访问的?
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  7. 实践练习四:迁移 MySQL 数据到 OceanBase 集群
  8. 2017年国内开源镜像站点汇总
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