用PDS(Powertrain Dynamic Simulator)快速建立V6发动机Crank Train动力学模型,然后导入Virtual.Lab Motion进行仿真计算,并和理论计算结果进行对比。


  • 1、曲轴系统惯性不平衡力对发动机Z向产生6阶力冲击,X向和Y向无力冲击。
  • 2、曲轴系统惯性不平衡力对发动机X向产生3阶力矩冲击(Roll),Y向(Pitch)和Z向(Yaw)产生一致的1阶和2阶力矩冲击。
  • 3、仿真计算的结果和理论计算结果一致,但是理论计算一般只考虑2阶以内,而仿真计算可到几千HZ。



2、设置平衡块参数,将Reciprocating Mass Coefficient=0,这是为了后面和理论计算做比较。

The Reciprocating Mass Coefficient affects the magnitude of mass used in the counterweights that are attached to the crankshaft in the PDS model. The formulas used to define the counterweight (or "bob weight") mass are typically based on an idealization which breaks the conrod mass properties into a so-called "big end" & "little end", with the "big end" mass identified as a "rotating mass", and the "little end" identified as a "reciprocating mass". Nearly all hand-derived solutions will define the counterweight mass as a combination of these two masses. However many differ from each other regarding how much additional mass to lump into the reciprocating component in order to account for the additional mass of the piston, wrist pin, ring pack, etc.

It is possible to find analytically derived imbalance equations that are tabulated according to engine type in a wide variety of engine design and mechanical design reference texts. One such derivation can be found in Taylor1. Taylorís formulation operates under the assumption that the Counterweight masses have no contribution from the reciprocating mass.With respect to the equations below, the assumption is that q=0.

q = Reciprocating Mass Coefficient

Although it may be more typical to run models with q=1.0 or 0.5, we will reset the Reciprocating Mass Coefficient inside PDS to 0.0 for later correlation against theoretical results derived using Taylorís equation.





Now let‘s compare our results against known theoretical solution found in Taylor, The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, Vol. 2. The key parameters used for both PDS and the hand calculations are summarized in Table 1 below.






Big End ConRod Mass (Mg)



Little End ConRod Mass (Mg)



Piston Mass (Mg)



ConRod Length (mm)



Crank Throw (mm)



Bore Spacing (mm)



Bore Offset (mm)



Wrist Pin Offset (mm)



Crank RPM (real)

Table 1: Key Input Parameters

60∞ V6

1st order Force

1st order Couple

2nd order Force

2nd order Couple

Taylor Analytical Formula


1.5 Q a Circular CW


1.5 R/L Q a Circular CCW

Analytical Reference Value


1,387,459 N-mm


393,151 N-mm

PDS Simulation


1,387,153 N-mm Pitch

1,387,153 N-mm Yaw


397,820 N-mm Pitch

397,820 N-mm Yaw

Table 2: Theory vs. PDS

Regarding Table 2, M = m1+m2, and Q = N^2MR, where N = 6000RPM = 628.3185 rad/sec. Furthermore, a "circular" moment simply implies the pitch and yaw couples are meant to be equal in magnitude (as they are in this case), whereas an "elliptical" moment would mean they are unequal.

Thus, it can be seen that PDS generates accurate imbalance loads. It can be noted that most theory tables such as those presented in Table 2 present results only for 1st and 2nd order, assuming that higher order effects are negligible. PDS models do not make such assumptions, as the Virtual.Lab Motion solver works in the time domain in such a way as to track frequencies well into the kilohertz range.

Furthermore, PDS can extend much further than most hand-derived formulas, because one can examine the influence of many other parameters such as variable bore spacing, different bank-angles producing ësplit piní crank arrangements, piston pin offsets, combustion loads with misfire events, and even the inclusion of a Valve Train subsystem to incorporate the effects of valve line imbalances.


Taylor, The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, Vol. 2, the M.I.T. Press, 1985.

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