
Big Data is on the air nowadays and mad rush is on to leverage Big Data analytics tools and techniques for competitive advantage before they are commoditized. Now, the thing is that we have a lot many of technologies and tools related to Big Data and data analytics and its very difficult for one to have grip over all the tools and technologies, here below I am listing 5 skills that will land you and will make you stand solidly in the Big Data jobs trending market, along with they will grab you good bucks for that.

如今, 大数据正在播出,并且在将其商品化之前,疯狂的赶忙要利用大数据分析工具和技术来获得竞争优势。 现在,问题是,我们拥有许多与大数据和数据分析相关的技术和工具,很难掌握所有工具和技术,在此,我在下面列出了5种技能,它们可以帮助您和将使您在大数据工作趋势市场中站稳脚跟,同时他们也将为您赢得好价钱。

Figure: skills required for big data


1)Apache Hadoop (1) Apache Hadoop)

As I have discussed in my previous articles also Apache Hadoop is an open source framework which allows us to implement Big Data, which is made up of several components which all are open sources. We can define Hadoop as a distributed data storage and processing system. So, mainly Hadoop does two things it stores the huge amount of data then it allows us to process this huge amount of data in a distributed manner. Though we are entering the second decade there is no alternative still available that can replace Hadoop completely. So, if you want to enter the world of Big Data Hadoop is a must-have skill.

正如我在之前的文章中所讨论的那样,Apache Hadoop也是一个开放源代码框架,它使我们能够实现大数据,大数据由几个都是开源的组件组成。 我们可以将Hadoop定义为分布式数据存储和处理系统。 因此,Hadoop主要做两件事:存储大量数据,然后使我们能够以分布式方式处理大量数据。 尽管我们已经进入了第二个十年,但是仍然没有替代品可以完全替代Hadoop。 因此,如果您想进入大数据世界,Hadoop是必不可少的技能。

2)Sql和NoSQL (2) Sql and NoSQL)

The fundamental concept of MySQL, and Oracle is that they are relational database management systems they generally take help of relationships to store data in the table consisting of rows and columns. Relational databases store data on basis of some common characteristics that are present in them, but when we talk about Big Data presence of such similarity may not be present there and also may be very difficult to find. NoSql database solves big data problems with a different approach. Many of the inherent architecture and design considerations as schemaless design, compromise on ACID properties, key-value/document based storage have been taken into account in most of the NoSql databases. As we deal with big data to their storage in the database is a primary requirement so, knowledge of SQL and NoSQL both is another must-have skill for Big Data.

MySQL和Oracle的基本概念是它们是关系数据库管理系统,它们通常利用关系的帮助将数据存储在由行和列组成的表中。 关系数据库是根据关系数据库中存在的一些共同特征来存储数据的,但是当我们谈论大数据时,这种相似性的存在可能并不存在,并且也可能很难找到。 NoSql数据库用另一种方法解决了大数据问题。 大多数NoSql数据库都考虑了许多固有的体系结构和设计注意事项,例如无模式设计,对ACID属性的折衷,基于键值/文档的存储。 由于我们要处理大数据并将其存储在数据库中是首要要求,因此,SQL和NoSQL的知识都是大数据的另一项必备技能。

3)编程 (3) Programming)

If generally said you actually don't need to have programming skills to become a data analyst. But when we talk about grabbing a good job at the corporate house, if you have knowledge of some common programming languages like C, Java, and Python, then it will help you to stand aside from the crowd. It is also observed that in the last 3 years job opportunities for a data analyst with programming skills have much more priority in companies.

通常来说,您实际上不需要具备编程技能即可成为数据分析师。 但是,当我们谈论在公司内部谋求一份好工作时,如果您了解一些常见的编程语言(例如C , Java和Python) ,那么它将帮助您脱颖而出。 还可以观察到,在过去三年中,具有编程技能的数据分析师的工作机会在公司中更为重要。

4)统计和定量分析 (4) Statistical and quantitative Analysis)

Big Data is all about statistical and quantitative analysis, so if you have a good knowledge of mathematics field or statistics, you are already halfway there. In addition, you should have expertise in statistical tools like R, Matlab, SAS, SPSS etc. If you have basic knowledge about the above skills then surely you locked this skillset category.

大数据是关于统计和定量分析的全部内容,因此,如果您对数学领域或统计学有很好的了解,那么您已经走了一半。 此外,您应该在统计工具(例如R,Matlab,SAS,SPSS等)方面具有专业知识。如果您具有上述技能的基础知识,那么您肯定锁定了此技能组类别。

5)创造力和解决问题的方法 (5) Creativity and Problem Solving Approach)

No tool, no technology, no degree can ever replace your ability of thinking, the approach you are using to get out of a situation. All the technologies stated above can be replaced in future with a new one but if you have inbuilt skills of thinking differently to solve a problem and try to find something new and productive from a mess, then there always an opportunity waiting there for you.

没有工具,没有技术,没有学位可以取代您的思维能力,这是您摆脱困境的方法。 上面提到的所有技术将来都可以用新技术代替。但是,如果您具有内在的思维能力,可以解决问题并尝试从混乱中寻找新的东西和富有成效的技能,那么总有机会等着您。



We have discussed the five must-have skills that I have found to be very efficient and important for grabbing a good job according to my study. In my upcoming articles I will try to focus on other Tech Trends that are burning the air this year. If you have any further queries please feel free to ask, we will try to respond you to the best of our knowledge as soon as possible. See you in my next article till then Stay healthy! And Keep Learning!

根据我的研究,我们已经讨论了五种必不可少的技能,这些技能对我找到一份好的工作非常有效并且很重要 。 在我即将发表的文章中,我将尝试着眼于今年引人注目的其他技术趋势。 如果您有任何其他疑问,请随时提出,我们将尽我们所能尽快答复您。 在我的下一篇文章中再见,然后保持健康! 并继续学习!

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/big-data/5-must-have-skills-required-for-big-data.aspx



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