2.vector res(2,0)表示vector是一个二维向量,每个元素被初始化为0;用vector的时候注意包含库include;

class Solution{
public:vector<int> twoSum(vector<int> &numbers,int target){vector<int> res(2,2);int i=0;int j=numbers.size()-1;while(i<numbers.size()-1&&j>0){    int ans=numbers[i]+numbers[j];if(ans>target){j--;}else if(ans<target){i++;}else{res[0]=i+1;res[1]=j+1;return res;}}return res;}}
int main(){ vector<int> a={2,5,7,9};int target=9;vector<int> res(2,2);Solution ob;res=ob.twoSum(a,target);for(int i=0;i<2;i++){printf("%d",res[i]);}system("pause");return 0;


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