
AVFrame 结构体定义位于libavutil/frame.h中,如下

/*** This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data.** AVFrame must be allocated using av_frame_alloc(). Note that this only* allocates the AVFrame itself, the buffers for the data must be managed* through other means (see below).* AVFrame must be freed with av_frame_free().** AVFrame is typically allocated once and then reused multiple times to hold* different data (e.g. a single AVFrame to hold frames received from a* decoder). In such a case, av_frame_unref() will free any references held by* the frame and reset it to its original clean state before it* is reused again.** The data described by an AVFrame is usually reference counted through the* AVBuffer API. The underlying buffer 


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  3. FFMPEG结构体分析

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    注:写了一系列的结构体的分析的文章,在这里列一个列表: FFMPEG结构体分析:AVFrame FFMPEG结构体分析:AVFormatContext FFMPEG结构体分析:AVCodecConte ...

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