CTS 测试的一点心得
















CTS简介:Compatibility Test suite系列兼容测试
google定义了一个兼容性规范(Compatible Definition),而CTS就是为了确保某个测试符合该规范。从而基于Android的应用程序能在基于同一个api版本的设备上面运行。通过CTS测试的device可以获得android的商标,并且享受android market的权限

一般CTS测试有三项:Cts,Gts,Cts verify ,CTS测试工具可以在官方网上下载(http://source.android.com/compatibility/downloads.html),选择对应Android版本的CDD文档(介绍CTS测试),CTS测试包下载(测试包会不断更新),将下载的CTS测试包解压到相应文件夹里面应包含:android-cts文件夹里面包含Docs、Repository、Tools三个文件夹,

Android6.0的测试包和Android7.0的CTS测试包已经有些不同,而Media Files最新为CTS Media 1.2.,



·        linux系统(最好是64位ubuntu10.04)

·        需正确配置JavaJDK(1.7版本以上)和Android SDK 和ADB,确保系统和手机能够正常的连接


·        下载需要进行测试的软件版本

·        连接IPV6翻墙网络

·        插入可用的SD卡,容量最好大于1G

·        插入可用的Sim卡,如果为双卡版本,需确保卡一的卡槽有可用的Sim卡.

·        写入合法的IMEI号,需要写入号码

·        检查手机是否设置了CTS标志位


·        手机恢复出厂设置(Settings→Backup andreset→Factory data reset)

·        确保SD中有足够的空间(大于1G),可将SD格式化清空。

·        确保手机里没有Google账号或者其他账号存在

·        确保日期和时间的正确(开了Wifi或者数据连接以后会自动更新时间,时区选默认的),设置太平洋时间gtm:-8

·        设置屏幕为常亮(Settings→Display→Sleep→Never)

·        设置无锁屏(Settings→Security→Set up screenlock→None)

·        手机恢复出厂设置(Settings→Backup andreset→Factory data reset)

·        2.1_R2到4.2_R4之前,安装CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk,
(在android-cts/repository/testcases下,可用adb install安装),并进入Settings→Accessibility开启Delegating Accessibility Service.


·        安装CtsDeviceAdmin.apk,(在android-cts/repository/testcases下可用adbinstall CtsDeviceAdmin.apk),并进入Settings→Security→Deviceadministrators开启里面的两个包


·        将媒体文件(android-cts-media-1.2.zip解压出来的文件),名称为test的文件,拷贝到手机外部SD卡上,可使用脚本拷贝(在android-cts-media-1.0目录下执行bash copy_media.shall)


·        确保开发者选项中的USB debugging,Stay awake,Allowmock locations三个选项已勾选。

·        设置系统语言为美式英语(Settings→Language&input→Language)

·        设置系统输入法为谷歌默认输入法

·        打开Wifi,打开数据连接,打开GPS

·        确保USB连接稳定



    cts/android-cts/repository/testcases$adbinstall     CtsDeviceAdmin.apk 
    Android Devices Manage 

l  用adb devices查看手机是否连上

n  进入测试环境

l  进入CTS测试


xxx@CTS-ceshi:~/cts/6.0_r14/android-cts$cd tools/


Android CTS 6.0_r14 build:3623550

03-17 16:46:58 I/DeviceManager: Detectednew device c23392e

l  cts-tf > runcts --plan CTS --disable-reboot  //开始执CTS整个测试包

l cts-tf> help   使用帮助文档


runcts --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan

runcts --package/-p : run a CTS test package

runcts --class/-c [--method/-m] : run a specific test class and/ormethod

run cts --continue-session session_ID: run allnot executed tests from a previous CTS session

runcts [options] --serial/-s device_ID: run CTS on specified device

runcts [options] --shards number_of_shards: shard a CTS run into given number ofindependent chunks, to run on multiple devices inparallel

runcts --help/--help-all: get more help on running CTS


l/list d/devices: list connected devices and their state

l/list packages: list CTS test packages

l/list p/plans: list CTS test plans

l/list i/invocations: list invocations aka CTStest runs currentlyin progress

l/list c/commands: list commands: aka CTS test run commands currently inthe queue waiting to be allocated devices

l/list r/results: list CTS results currently present in the repository


addderivedplan --plan plane_name --session/-s session_id -r[pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout]: derive a plan from the given session


d/dump l/logs: dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations


--disable-reboot: Do not reboot device after running some amount of tests.

l  cts-tf > l r     查看失败项目  成功项目 ,未执行项目

Session Pass  Fail  Not Executed Start time           Plan name  Device serial(s)

0       2743  130   3555         2017.01.18_16.46.14  CTS1       24ade972

l cts-tf> run cts --continue-session 0 --disable-reboot


cts-tf > l r

Session Pass  Fail  Not Executed Start time           Plan name  Device serial(s)

0       2743  130   3555         2017.01.18_16.46.14  CTS1       24ade972

l cts-tf> add derivedplan --plan testname -s 0 -r fail

l cts-tf> run cts --plan testname      执行失败项目

l 多台机器同时执行

Android6.0测试需要IPV6环境,可以用命令run cts –plan CTS –skip-preconditions 
r un cts –plan CTS –shards 手机数量 –skip-preconditions

比如我需要3台机器一起测试就可以输入命令:run cts –plan CTS –shards 3–skip-preconditions 
    run cts –plan test_plan_name 测试一个plan 
    run cts –packages/-p packages_name 单独测试一个package 
    run cts –class/-c class_name–method/-m method_name 测试一个类和方法 
    如:run cts -candroid.hardware.camera2.cts.BurstCaptureTest -m testYuvBurst

l i 命令查看运行时间 cts-tf > l i 
l r 查看测试结果 cts-tf > l r


CTS v1 console command reference

Table1. This table summarizes the CTS v1 console commands for varioususes.




Display a summary of the most commonly used commands

help all

Display the complete list of available commands


Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished



run cts

Run the specified tests and displays progress information. One of --plan, --package, --class or --continue-session needs to be specified

The CTS console can accept other commands while tests are in progress

If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will wait for a device to be connected before starting tests

If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will choose a device automatically

--plan <test_plan_name>

Run the specified test plan

--package/-p <test_package_name>  [--package/-p <test_package2>...]

Run the specified test packages

--class/-c <class_name> [--method/-m <test_method_name>

Run the specified test class and/or method


Run all not executed tests from previous CTS session; the sessions testResult.xml will be updated with the new results

--shards <number_of_shards>

Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel

--serial/-s <deviceID>

Run CTS on the specific device

-t <class_name>#<test_method_name>

Run a specific test method

--force-abi 32|64

On 64-bit devices, run the test against only the 32-bit or 64-bit ABI



list packages

List all available test packages in the repository

list plans

List all available test plans in the repository

list invocations

List 'run' commands currently being executed on devices

list commands

List all 'run' commands currently in the queue waiting to be assigned to devices

list results

List CTS results currently stored in repository

list devices

List currently connected devices and their state

'Available' devices are functioning, idle devices, available for running tests

'Unavailable' devices are devices visible via adb, but are not responding to adb commands and won't be allocated for tests

'Allocated' devices are devices currently running tests



add derivedplan --plan <plan_name>
 [pass | fail | timeout | notExecuted]
 [--session/-s <session_id>]

Create a plan derived from given result session; use this option to rerun reports and validate test issues

针对Android7.0 以及以后版本测试

For Android 7.0 or later, you'll use CTS v2.

CTS v2 console command reference

Table1. This table summarizes the CTS V2 console commands for varioususes.




Display a summary of the most commonly used commands

help all

Display the complete list of available commands


Show the version.


Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished.



run cts

Run the default CTS plan (that is, the full CTS invocation).

The CTS console can accept other commands while tests are

in progress.

If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will

wait for a device to be connected before starting tests.

If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will

choose a

device automatically.

--plan <test_plan_name>

Run the specified test plan.

--module/-m <test_module_name>  [--module/-m <test_module2>...]

Run the specified test module or modules. For example,

run cts --module CtsGestureTestCases executes the gesture

test module (this can be shortened to run cts -m Gesture).
run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.GestureTest#testGetStrokesruns the specific package, class, or test.

--module/-m <test_module_name> -- test <test_name>

Run the specified module and test. For example,

run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.

GestureTest#testGetStrokes runs the specific package, class, or test.


Retry all tests that failed or were not executed from

the previous sessions. Use list results to get the session id.

--shards <number_of_shards>

Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks,

to run on multiple devices in parallel.

--serial/-s <deviceID>

Run CTS on the specific device.

--include-filter <module_name>  [--include-filter <module2>...]

Run only with the specified modules.

--exclude-filter <module_name>  [--exclude-filter <module2>...]

Exclude the specified modules from the run.

--log-level-display/-l <log_level>

Run with the minimum specified log level displayed to STDOUT. Valid values: [VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT].

--abi <abi_name>

Force the test to run on the given ABI, 32 or 64. By default CTS runs a test once for each ABI the device supports.

--logcat, --bugreport, and --screenshoot-on-failure

Give more visibility into failures and can help with diagnostics.


Specifies a given device has the given token eg. --device-token 1a2b3c4d:sim-card..


Skips collection of information about the device. Note: do not use this option when running CTS for approval.


Bypasses verification and setup of the device's configuration, such as pushing media files or checking for Wi-Fi connection.



list modules

List all available test modules in the repository.

list plansor list configs

List all available test plans (configs) in the repository.

list invocations

List 'run' commands currently being executed on devices.

list commands

List all 'run' commands currently in the queue waiting

to be assigned to devices.

list results

List CTS results currently stored in repository.

list devices

List currently connected devices and their state.

'Available' devices are functioning, idle devices,

available for running tests.

'Unavailable' devices are devices visible via adb,

but are not responding to adb commands and won't

be allocated for tests.

'Allocated' devices are devices currently running tests.



dump logs

Dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations.


Description    ps:

a/add s/subplan

Create a subplan used to create a subplan

--session <session_id>

The session used to create a subplan

--result-type <status>

Which result to include in the subplan

--name/-n <subplan_name>

The name of the new subplan

Cts-tf> run cts --retry  sessionId --retry-type FAILED/NOT_EXECUTED

执行未完成的任务 ,输出结果


l  测试结束后         /repository/results/2016.05.27_21.29.17/testResult.xml使用浏览器打开,查看测试的结果

可以进入android-cts/repository/results/2016.05.27_21.29.17输入命令: sudo gedit testResult.xml 在这里必须使用命令打开,否则不能保存,可以看到测试结果:

最近因为测试 的需要,接触到了Android cts测试 ,以上是最近整理的一点东西 ,如果有不对的地方,也请看到的大神指点一二,谢谢 !


l  修改了如下内容  ,正常测试没有问题,可不需要修改

增加了环境变量 ,使用的是6.0的aapt ,这是要测试的相应的版本的aapt

1 。root@CTS-ceshi:~# gedit .bashrc

exportANDROID_HOME=/home/liangcheng/android-sdk-linux      #/*SDK所在的路径*/


l  手机在linux上可以通过adb devices 看到 ,但是不弹出连接时间的对话框

需要查看 develop options 中 Select usb Configuration 是否是在MTP模式上

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