


(1)       添加协议类

(2)       定义协议分组头结构

(3)       编译代码


1、  在ping协议中,需要定义自己的控制分组,因此首先需要在ping.h头文件中定义ping的分组头结构,C++代码如下:


struct hdr_ping {

char ret;       //0:从发送者到接收者,1:从接受者到发送者

double send_time;   //发送时间,为了计算RTT


class PingAgent : public Agent {



int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);

void recv(Packet*, Handler*);


int off_ping_;



static class PingHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {


PingHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/Ping",

sizeof(hdr_ping)) {}

} class_pinghdr;


2、 在~ns/tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl中包含了系统中所有已实现的协议分组头名字,我们也需要在其中添加包头的名字Ping。

Foreach {





3、 为了创建ping分组,需要定义ping的分组类型。需要修改ns/common/packet.h文件:首先在emun packet中新增包类型:PT_PING;

Enum packet_t {





然后在class p_info类的构造函数中定义新增包类型的名字:

Class p_info {


P_info {





4、 需要从TclCL继承一个PingClass类,其构造函数通过调用基类的构造函数“TclClass(”Agent/Ping”)”指定其对应的OTcl对象为Agent/Ping,这实际是做了登记工作,在ping.cc中定义:

static class PingClass : public TclClass {


PingClass() : TclClass("Agent/Ping") {}

TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

return (new PingAgent());


} class_ping;


set p0 [new Agent/Ping]

$ns attach-agent $n0 $p0

当执行set p0 [new Agent/Ping]时,就会调用父类的构造函数(init方法),父类SplitObject调用create-shadow方法来登记OTcl对象p0和被创建的C++对象class_ping的关系。根据登记关系去调用TclObject* create(int, const char*const*)创建并返回对象指针:return (new PingAgent());

5、 需要在PingAgent的构造函数中,需要将新创建的分组类型传递给Agent类的构造函数,因为PingAgent父类的构造函数中就需要定制分组类型作为参数。在PingAgent构造函数中实现C++和OTcl之间成员变量的绑定。

PingAgent::PingAgent() : Agent(PT_PING)


bind("packetSize_", &size_);

bind("off_ping_", &off_ping_);



Agent/Ping set packetSize 0

Agent/Ping set off_ping_ 0



$ns at 0.2 "$p0 send"


int PingAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


if (argc == 2) {

if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {

// Create a new packet

Packet* pkt = allocpkt();

// Access the Ping header for the new packet:

hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);

// Set the 'ret' field to 0, so the receiving node knows

// that it has to generate an echo packet

hdr->ret = 0;

// Store the current time in the 'send_time' field

hdr->send_time = Scheduler::instance().clock();

// Send the packet

send(pkt, 0);

// return TCL_OK, so the calling function knows that the

// command has been processed

return (TCL_OK);



// If the command hasn't been processed by PingAgent()::command,

// call the command() function for the base class

return (Agent::command(argc, argv));


6、 完成ping协议的定义和实现后,把ping.hh和ping.cc放在~ns/ping下,然后重新编译NS-2,把ping协议嵌入到NS-2代码中去,我们需要修改~ns/Makefile文件。


在ns目录下:make clean和make,完成编译。

7、 ping.cc中的recv函数代码如下:

void PingAgent::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)


// Access the IP header for the received packet:

hdr_ip* hdrip = (hdr_ip*)pkt->access(off_ip_);

// Access the Ping header for the received packet:

hdr_ping* hdr = (hdr_ping*)pkt->access(off_ping_);

// Is the 'ret' field = 0 (i.e. the receiving node is being pinged)?

if (hdr->ret == 0) {

// Send an 'echo'. First save the old packet's send_time

double stime = hdr->send_time;

// Discard the packet


// Create a new packet

Packet* pktret = allocpkt();

// Access the Ping header for the new packet:

hdr_ping* hdrret = (hdr_ping*)pktret->access(off_ping_);

// Set the 'ret' field to 1, so the receiver won't send another echo

hdrret->ret = 1;

// Set the send_time field to the correct value

hdrret->send_time = stime;

// Send the packet

send(pktret, 0);

} else {

// A packet was received. Use tcl.eval to call the Tcl

// interpreter with the ping results.

// Note: In the Tcl code, a procedure 'Agent/Ping recv {from rtt}'

// has to be defined which allows the user to react to the ping

// result.

char out[100];

// Prepare the output to the Tcl interpreter. Calculate the round

// trip time

sprintf(out, "%s recv %d %3.1f", name(),

hdrip->src_ >> Address::instance().NodeShift_[1],

(Scheduler::instance().clock()-hdr->send_time) * 1000);

Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();


// Discard the packet





#Create a simulator object

set ns [new Simulator]

#Open a trace file

set nf [open out.nam w]

$ns namtrace-all $nf

#Define a 'finish' procedure

proc finish {} {

global ns nf

$ns flush-trace

close $nf

exec nam out.nam &

exit 0


#Create three nodes

set n0 [$ns node]

set n1 [$ns node]

set n2 [$ns node]

#Connect the nodes with two links

$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

#Define a 'recv' function for the class 'Agent/Ping'

Agent/Ping instproc recv {from rtt} {

$self instvar node_

puts "node [$node_ id] received ping answer from \

$from with round-trip-time $rtt ms."


#Create two ping agents and attach them to the nodes n0 and n2

set p0 [new Agent/Ping]

$ns attach-agent $n0 $p0

set p1 [new Agent/Ping]

$ns attach-agent $n2 $p1

#Connect the two agents

$ns connect $p0 $p1

#Schedule events

$ns at 0.2 "$p0 send"

$ns at 0.4 "$p1 send"

$ns at 0.6 "$p0 send"

$ns at 0.6 "$p1 send"

$ns at 1.0 "finish"

#Run the simulation

$ns run


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