
Cortana in Windows 10 is proving to be a promising new feature. To really take advantage of it, you can use voice activation to give your computer commands and perform tasks without needing to actually physically touch it.

Windows 10中的Cortana事实证明是一项很有前途的新功能。 要真正利用它,您可以使用语音激活来给计算机命令和执行任务,而无需实际触摸它。

This feature works similarly to Android’s “OK Google” and iOS’s “Hey Siri.” With Microsoft’s version, you can enable this same kind of hands-free mode and then simply say “Hey Cortana” to make a Windows 10 PC respond.

此功能类似于Android的“ OK Google”和iOS的“ Hey Siri”。 使用Microsoft的版本,您可以启用这种免提模式,然后只需说“嘿Cortana”即可使Windows 10 PC响应。

Cortana for Windows 10 isn’t yet fully baked (nor is Windows 10 for that matter), meaning Microsoft is still perfecting it and adding features. You can ask her questions like “Hey Cortana, what’s up?” and she’ll give you a whimsical answer.

Windows 10的Cortana尚未完全发布(Windows 10也没有完全发布),这意味着Microsoft仍在完善它并添加功能。 您可以问她一些问题,例如“嗨,Cortana,怎么了?” 她会给你一个异想天开的答案。

“Hey Cortana, what’s up?” At least she didn’t tell us it’s a preposition.
“嗨,Cortana,怎么了?” 至少她没有告诉我们这是一个介词。

But, for productive activities like having it set alarms or change computer settings, it’s still a work in progress. Yes, you can do some cool things like ask her what the weather is somewhere.

但是,对于诸如设置警报或更改计算机设置之类的生产性活动,它仍在进行中。 是的,您可以做一些很酷的事情,例如问她周围的天气如何。

Get the weather from anywhere.

She’ll also find files for you, such as if you’re looking for a document, but she won’t open anything up yet.


“Hey Cortana, find ‘something somethng!'”

She can also deliver sport scores, perform calculations, track flights, and other simple tasks. So it has great potential, and we hope that it actually becomes a feature everyone uses because having the option to finally boss your PC around is pretty neat.

她还可以提供运动成绩,执行计算,跟踪飞行以及其他简单任务。 因此它具有巨大的潜力,我们希望它实际上能成为每个人都使用的功能,因为可以选择最终使您的PC整洁。

启用“ Hey Cortana”进行免提搜索 (Enabling “Hey Cortana” for Hands-Free Searching)

“Hey Cortana” isn’t enabled by default, which is understandable because not everyone wants their computer actively listening to them. But, keep in mind, your computer isn’t actually paying attention to anything you say except those two words in that exact order: Hey Cortana.

默认情况下,“ Hey Cortana”未启用,这是可以理解的,因为并不是每个人都希望他们的计算机积极地听他们说话。 但是,请记住,您的计算机实际上并没有注意您所说的任何事情,除了这两个单词的确切顺序:嗨,Cortana。

Normally Cortana will sit on your Taskbar waiting for you to click on her. When you first do this, she will ask you for your name so she can personalize herself to you. You can skip this part if you like.

通常,Cortana将坐在您的任务栏上,等待您单击她。 首次执行此操作时,她会询问您的名字,以便您可以个性化自己。 如果愿意,可以跳过此部分。

Removing the Cortana taskbar feature will not completely disable her.

You may also right-click on the taskbar and decide whether to remove Cortana from the taskbar, or simply reduce it to a small circle.


If you click on Cortana, then you’ll see three lines in the top-left corner, which when clicked, reveal options. Click “Settings” to access more options.

如果单击Cortana,那么您会在左上角看到三行,单击它们会显示选项。 单击“设置”以访问更多选项。

The settings are pretty simple. The last one you’ll see is for “Let Cortana respond when you say ‘Hey Cortana.” Turn that to on to enable hands-free voice operation on your Windows 10 computer.

设置非常简单。 您会看到的最后一个是“当您说'嘿Cortana'时,让Cortana回复。” 将其打开以在Windows 10计算机上启用免提语音操作。

To turn this option off, simply repeat the process and switch the option to “Off.”


If you don’t want Cortana to operate on your computer at all, then you can completely disable her in just a few clicks. Notice on the settings panel that you accessed that there is an option right at the top to disable Cortana outright.

如果您根本不希望Cortana在计算机上运行,​​那么只需单击几下即可完全禁用她。 请注意,在您访问的设置面板上,顶部有一个选项可以直接禁用Cortana。

Note, doing this actually disables Cortana, meaning that it won’t work. This is not the same thing as removing the search icon from the taskbar.

请注意,这样做实际上会禁用Cortana,这意味着它将无法工作。 这与从任务栏中删除搜索图标不同。

Again, this does not actually disable Cortana.

If you simply remove the taskbar’s search feature, you can still use Cortana unless you disable her completely. For example, if you want to use hands-free mode and you don’t want Cortana on the taskbar, you can still use “Hey, Cortana” even when it is hidden.

如果仅删除任务栏的搜索功能,则除非完全禁用她,否则仍然可以使用Cortana。 例如,如果您想使用免提模式,而又不想在任务栏上显示Cortana,则即使隐藏了它,您仍然可以使用“嘿,Cortana”。

If you don’t plan on using full-on Cortana integration, or voice activation isn’t your cup of tea, it’s still a little fun to try out. And if you don’t like it, you can always turn it off again.

如果您不打算使用完整的Cortana集成,或者语音激活不是您的最佳选择,尝试一下还是很有趣的。 如果您不喜欢它,可以随时将其关闭。

Windows 10 is still only available as a technical preview (beta) so things are bound to change between now and its final release, sometime this summer. Still, it’s evident that Cortana is going to be a big part of it, so it’s good to know what you can do with it ahead of time.

Windows 10仍然仅作为技术预览版 (测试版)提供,因此从现在到最终版本之间,今年夏天一定会发生变化。 尽管如此,很明显Cortana将成为其中的重要组成部分,所以很高兴提前知道您可以使用它做什么。

If you have anything you would like to add, such as a question or a comment, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.




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