


The jailbreak itself does not yet allow you to do much. In fact, it only installs an additional "developer" key on the device, allowing for the installation of additional packages via the Kindle's own update mechanism.

This method works on Kindle 4 version 4.0.0 through 4.1.1.

Carefully read all of the instructions below, and follow them only after you have read everything and are sure what to do.

Universal method

Kindle in Diagnostics Mode.

  • Download and unzip the jailbreak.
  1. Plug in the Kindle and copy the data.tar.gz & ENABLE_DIAGS files plus the diagnostic_logs folder to the Kindle's USB drive's root
  2. Safely remove the USB cable and restart the Kindle (Menu -> Settings -> Menu -> Restart)
  3. Once the device restarts into diagnostics mode, select "D) Exit, Reboot or Disable Diags" (using the 5-way keypad)
  4. Select "R) Reboot System" and "Q) To continue" (following on-screen instructions, when it tells you to use 'FW Left' to select an option, it means left on the 5-way keypad)
  5. Wait about 20 seconds: you should see the Jailbreak screen for a while, and the device should then restart normally
  6. After the Kindle restarts, you should see a new book titled "You are Jailbroken", if you see this, the jailbreak has been successful.


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