
Discord has the most PC gaming features of any VoIP app. This includes the ability to stream your game live through your Discord server’s voice channels. Here’s how to set up your stream with just a few clicks.

Discord具有所有VoIP应用程序中最多的PC游戏功能。 这包括通过Discord服务器的语音通道实时直播游戏的功能。 只需单击几下即可设置流。

如何与不和谐一起上线 (How to Go Live with Discord)

Only Discord‘s Windows desktop client is capable of streaming. You’ll need to use the desktop or Chrome browser client to watch Discord streams.

只有Discord的Windows桌面客户端可以进行流传输。 您需要使用台式机或Chrome浏览器客户端来观看Discord流。

First, open Discord and enter the server where you want to stream, then open the game you want to stream. If the game is already recognized by Discord, click the “Go Live” button in the bottom left near your username and avatar.

首先,打开Discord并输入要流式传输的服务器,然后打开要流式传输的游戏。 如果游戏已经被Discord识别,请单击用户名和头像附近左下方的“上线”按钮。

In the Go Live menu, select “Change” if Discord didn’t automatically recognize the game you want to stream. Check the voice channel you want to stream to and click “Go Live”.

如果Discord无法自动识别您要播放的游戏,请在“上线”菜单中选择“更改”。 检查您要流式传输的语音通道,然后单击“上线”。

Once your stream is up and running, Discord will display a smaller preview of the stream in the Discord window. Hover over this stream and click the cog icon to access the Stream Settings menu. Here, you can change the quality and frame rate of your stream.

流启动并运行后,Discord将在Discord窗口中显示该流的较小预览。 将鼠标悬停在此流上,然后单击齿轮图标以访问“流设置”菜单。 在这里,您可以更改流的质量和帧速率。

If you want to stream with 60 FPS and 1080 or better stream quality, you’ll need to sign up for Discord Nitro, the service’s paid premium service. It costs $9.99 per month.

如果要以60 FPS和1080或更佳的流质量进行流传输,则需要注册Discord Nitro (该服务的付费高级服务)。 每月费用为$ 9.99。

如何将游戏添加到Discord上线 (How to Add a Game to Discord Go Live)

If the game you want to stream isn’t automatically giving you access to the “Go Live” icon, you can add the game manually. Start by opening the Settings menu with a click on the cog icon in the bottom left.

如果您要播放的游戏没有自动授予您访问“上线”图标的权限,则可以手动添加游戏。 首先单击左下角的齿轮图标,打开“设置”菜单。

Open the “Game Activity” tab on the left, and click “Add It”. Select your game, then go back to your server and click the “Go Live” button as above.

打开左侧的“游戏活动”标签,然后单击“添加”。 选择您的游戏,然后返回服务器并单击上面的“ Go Live”按钮。

如何与Discord屏幕共享 (How to Screen Share with Discord)

To share non-gaming apps or your entire screen, join any server’s voice channel and click the “Go Live” button.


Select either the “Applications” or “Screens” tabs, and click one of the options you can scroll through. Press the “Go Live” button when you’re ready to share that application or one entire screen with the channel.

选择“应用程序”或“屏幕”选项卡,然后单击您可以滚动浏览的选项之一。 准备好与频道共享该应用程序或整个屏幕时,请按“上线”按钮。

如何观看不和谐流 (How to Watch a Discord Stream)

If someone is streaming in Discord, you’ll see a red “Live” icon next to their name in the voice channel. To watch their Discord stream, hover your mouse over their name and click “Join Stream”.

如果某人正在Discord中进行流媒体播放,则您在语音通道中的姓名旁边会看到一个红色的“实时”图标。 要观看其Discord流,请将鼠标悬停在其名称上,然后单击“加入流”。

Discord’s easy integration with Twitch, the premier game streaming platform, suggests that Discord has no interest in competing as a streaming platform.


Yet, in response to the COVID-19 shutdowns, Discord temporarily raised the limit on Go Live from 10 people to 50, making this solution a perfect fit for smaller communities and streamers.

然而,为了响应COVID-19的关闭,Discord 暂时将Go Live的限制从10人提高到50人,从而使该解决方案非常适合小型社区和彩带。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664048/how-to-stream-through-discords-go-live/



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