

You can create a Discord server for a business, a community, or a small group of friends. Send out invites to get friends and fans into your Discord server, or create a custom invite link that will last indefinitely.

您可以为企业,社区或一小群朋友创建Discord服务器。 发送邀请以将朋友和粉丝吸引到您的Discord服务器中,或创建一个无限期存在的自定义邀请链接。

如何邀请某人使用Discord服务器 (How to Invite Someone to a Discord Server)

If the server has been set to public, you can invite anyone to the server by right-clicking on the server icon on the left. Select “Invite People.”

如果服务器已设置为公共服务器,则可以通过右键单击左侧的服务器图标来邀请任何人加入服务器。 选择“邀请他人”。

In this menu, you can scroll down a list of your friends and click the “Invite” button next to each name. You can also press the “Copy” button to copy a link to your clipboard and send it to anyone.

在此菜单中,您可以向下滚动好友列表,然后单击每个名称旁边的“邀请”按钮。 您也可以按“复制”按钮将链接复制到剪贴板并将其发送给任何人。

This invite link will expire in 24 hours by default. Anyone you give the link to will be able to create an account and join the server, even if they don’t already use Discord.

默认情况下,此邀请链接将在24小时后过期。 您提供链接的任何人都可以创建一个帐户并加入服务器,即使他们尚未使用Discord。

如何自定义不和谐邀请 (How to Customize a Discord Invite)

You can change the expiration date and set a maximum number of uses for a Discord invite link. To customize this invite link, from the Invite menu shown above, click “Edit Invite Link.”

您可以更改失效日期并为Discord邀请链接设置最大使用次数。 要自定义此邀请链接,请从上方显示的“邀请”菜单中,单击“编辑邀请链接”。

In this Server Invite Link Settings menu, open the first drop-down menu to choose how long the link will last. You can set various intervals from 30 minutes to forever.

在此服务器邀请链接设置菜单中,打开第一个下拉菜单以选择链接将持续多长时间。 您可以设置从30分钟到永久的各种间隔。

Use the second drop-down menu to set how many people can use the link before it expires. You can limit this setting from one person to no limits. Finally, click the “Grant Temporary Membership” toggle to make Discord kick accounts off the server once they leave.

使用第二个下拉菜单设置链接过期之前可以使用多少人。 您可以将此设置限制为一个人无限制。 最后,单击“授予临时成员资格”切换,以使Discord帐户在离开后就退出服务器。

Customizing these settings helps to make it much easier to invite precisely who you want to invite. You can set up a secure Discord server through these settings if you want to keep your channel private.

自定义这些设置有助于使精确邀请您想要邀请的人变得更加容易。 如果您想保持频道私密,可以通过这些设置来设置安全的Discord服务器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/663138/how-to-send-and-customize-discord-invites/



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