

的区域作为一个编码周期,然后再采用四步相移法,依次投射四幅相移图案,使得每个编码区域被进一步连续细分。但投射的格雷码图案和相移图案必须满足如下关系:格雷码图案的最小周期为相移图案周期的 4 倍,理论上格雷码周期边界与相移周期边界要严格对应。




(1) 按序在k位格雷码前插入一位0,生成一组编码




已有2位格雷码:00, 01, 11, 10,要生成3位格雷码,采用此算法:

(1)按序在各码前插入0,生成 000,001, 011,010;

(2)按逆序在各码前插入1,生成 110,111, 101,100;

(3)将两组编码组合起来:000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100,为3位格雷码。


对于k位格雷码,在各格雷码后面分别插入0, 1 或 1, 0,生成两个编码,所有插入完成后组合起来的编码为k+1位格雷码。


(1)在00编码后面分别插入0,1,生成 000, 001;

(2)在01编码后面分别插入1,0,生成 011, 010;

(3)在11编码后面分别插入0,1,生成 110, 111;

(4)在10编码后面分别插入1,0,生成 101,100;

(5)将生成的编码组合起来:000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100,为3位格雷码。


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>void GrayCodeOne(int num);
void GrayCodeTwo(int num);using namespace std;int main()
{int count;cout << "Input Code Number:";  cin >> count;//输入一个整形数cout << "Produce Gray Code using method 1" << endl;clock_t beginOne = clock();GrayCodeOne(count);clock_t endOne = clock();cout << "Gray Code First Method using time: " << (endOne - beginOne) << endl;cout << "Produce Gray Code using method 2" << endl;clock_t beginTwo = clock();GrayCodeTwo(count);clock_t endTwo = clock();cout << "Gray Code Second Method using time: " << (endTwo - beginTwo) << endl;return 0;
}// Method to produce gray code using method inserting 0 in front of old gray code by positive
// and inserting 1 in front of old gray code by nagative.
void GrayCodeOne(int num)
{if (num < 1){cout << "Error input Integer" << endl;return;}vector<string> codeVec;  //定义一个字符串类型的向量 用来存放编码序列int cIdx = 1;for (; cIdx <= num; cIdx++){//如果num=1,则for循环只有一次,codeVec大小就为2,里面放的是0,1//开始向量为空,for循环的第一次,该向量大小一定小于2,直接存放0,1,//存放一次结束后向量大小为2,则进入下面的else里if (codeVec.size() < 2)  {codeVec.push_back("0");codeVec.push_back("1");}else{//如果codeVec大小大于等于2个,则开始在,0和1上进行下面操作vector<string> tranVec;  tranVec.resize(2 * codeVec.size());  //定义一个中转向量,确定tranVec的大小为原有元素向量的2倍int tranIdx = 0;//迭代器对向量进行遍历vector<string>::iterator codeIter = codeVec.begin();for (; codeIter != codeVec.end(); codeIter++){//在正序输出的每个元素的前面加0string str = "0";str.append(*codeIter);tranVec[tranIdx++] = str;//将加0后的元素重新存到转移向量}vector<string>::reverse_iterator rCodeIter = codeVec.rbegin();  //逆序迭代器,rbegin指向容器c的最后一个元素for (; rCodeIter != codeVec.rend(); rCodeIter++){//在逆序输出的每个元素的前面加1string str = "1";str.append(*rCodeIter);tranVec[tranIdx++] = str; }codeVec.assign(tranVec.begin(), tranVec.end());//将区间tranVec[first,last)的元素全部赋值到当前的codeVec容器中//就是当前依序所编码的格雷码}}//vector<string>::iterator vecIter = codeVec.begin();//for (; vecIter != codeVec.end(); vecIter++)//{//    cout << *vecIter << endl;//}return;
}// Method to produce gray code using method inserting 0/1 in the back of first gray code
// then inserting 1/0 in the back of next gray code.
void GrayCodeTwo(int num)
{if (num < 1){cout << "Input error Integer" << endl;return;}vector<string> codeVec;int cIdx = 1;for (; cIdx <= num; cIdx++){if (codeVec.size() < 2){codeVec.push_back("0");codeVec.push_back("1");}else{vector<string> tranVec;int tranIdx = 0;int cIdx = codeVec.size();tranVec.resize(2 * cIdx);for (int vIdx = 0; vIdx < cIdx; vIdx++){string str = codeVec[vIdx];if (0 == (vIdx % 2)){string str0 = str;str0.append("0");tranVec[tranIdx++] = str0;string str1 = str;str1.append("1");tranVec[tranIdx++] = str1;}else{string str0 = str;str0.append("1");tranVec[tranIdx++] = str0;string str1 = str;str1.append("0");tranVec[tranIdx++] = str1;}}codeVec.assign(tranVec.begin(), tranVec.end());}}//vector<string>::iterator vecIter = codeVec.begin();//for (; vecIter != codeVec.end(); vecIter++)//{//  cout << *vecIter << endl;//}return;



static unsigned int binaryToGray(unsigned int num) {return (num >> 1) ^ num;

unsigned int型数据到格雷码的转换,最高可转换32位自然二进制码







采用与投影图案 μ、ν  轴两个方向相同的两个系列格雷码编码,其中每个方向最高级别格雷码宽度为 1 个像素,该设计方法具体分如下 2步:

1)确定投影图案分辨率,假设水平 μ 方向上编码条纹设为 m 级,竖直 ν 方向上编码条纹设为 n 级,则投影图案在 μ 方向上像素个数为 2^m,ν 方向上像素个数为 2^n,即投影图案分辨率是 2^m×2^n。  
2)投影图案分辨率确定后,使用格雷码编码方法,设计两个方向的编码投影图案,共生成 μ 方向上 m 张格雷码的编码图案,每张格雷码级别依次递增,和 ν 方向上 n 张格雷码的编码图案,每张格雷码级别依次递增。


static unsigned int Nhorz = 10;
static unsigned int Nvert = 6;#ifndef log2f
#define log2f(x) (log(x)/log(2.0))
#endifusing namespace std;/** The purpose of this function is to convert an unsigned* binary number to reflected binary Gray code.** The operator >> is shift right. The operator ^ is exclusive or.* Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_code*/
static unsigned int binaryToGray(unsigned int num) {return (num >> 1) ^ num;
}/** From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_code* The purpose of this function is to convert a reflected binary* Gray code number to a binary number.
static unsigned grayToBinary(unsigned num, unsigned numBits)
{for (unsigned shift = 1; shift < numBits; shift <<= 1){num ^= num >> shift;}return num;
}/** Function takes the decimal number* Function takes the Nth bit (1 to 31)* Return the value of Nth bit from decimal* Source: http://icfun.blogspot.com/2009/04/get-n-th-bit-value-of-any-integer.html*/
static int get_bit(int decimal, int N){// Shifting the 1 for N-1 bits   int constant = 1 << (N-1);   //将00000001左移N-1位// If the bit is set, return 1if( decimal & constant ){return 1;}// If the bit is not set, return 0return 0;
}static inline int powi(int num, unsigned int exponent){// NOT EQUIVALENT TO pow()if(exponent == 0)return 1;float res = num;for(unsigned int i=0; i<exponent-1; i++)res *= num;return res;
}// Encoder   参数为:行 列 方向
EncoderGrayCode::EncoderGrayCode(unsigned int _screenCols, unsigned int _screenRows, CodecDir _dir) : Encoder(_screenCols, _screenRows, _dir){N = 2;  //初始值为2// Set total pattern numberif(dir & CodecDirHorizontal)this->N += Nhorz;         //如果编码为水平方向,N为2+Nhorz  N=12if(dir & CodecDirVertical)    //如果编码为水平方向,N为2+Nvert  N=8this->N += Nvert;// Encode every pixel column     //编码每一像素列  NbitsHor=10int NbitsHorz = ceilf(log2f((float)screenCols));  //先将列数转变为浮点数,再将列数取log2f运算,将float类型的小数去掉,然后进一,// Number of vertical encoding patterns  同上 针对每一行  9.58去掉小数进1为10,即NbitsVert=10int NbitsVert = ceilf(log2f((float)screenRows));//patterns的前两个元素为patternOn和patternOffcv::Mat patternOn(1, 1, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0));  //定义一个1x1的patternOn矩阵patternOn.at<cv::Vec3b>(0,0) = cv::Vec3b(255, 255, 255);   //矩阵的(0,0)点定义为(255, 255, 255)白色patterns.push_back(patternOn); cv::Mat patternOff(1, 1, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0));  //定义一个1x1的patternOff矩阵patterns.push_back(patternOff);if(dir & CodecDirHorizontal){// Precompute horizontally encoding patternsfor(unsigned int p=0; p<Nhorz; p++){cv::Mat patternP(1, screenCols, CV_8UC3);   //定义一个1行xscreenCols列的patternP矩阵// Loop through columns in first row       从第一行遍历所有列for(unsigned int j=0; j<screenCols; j++){unsigned int jGray = binaryToGray(j);   //将二进制转换为格雷码// Amplitude of channels   设置每个通道的灰度值float amp = get_bit(jGray, NbitsHorz-p);patternP.at<cv::Vec3b>(0,j) = cv::Vec3b(255.0*amp,255.0*amp,255.0*amp);}patterns.push_back(patternP);}}if(dir & CodecDirVertical){// Precompute vertical encoding patterns     for(unsigned int p=0; p<Nvert; p++){cv::Mat patternP(screenRows, 1, CV_8UC3);    //定义一个screenRows行x1列的patternP矩阵// Loop through rows in first column       从第一列遍历所有行for(unsigned int i=0; i<screenRows; i++){unsigned int iGray = binaryToGray(i);// Amplitude of channelsfloat amp = get_bit(iGray, NbitsVert-p);patternP.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,0) = cv::Vec3b(255.0*amp,255.0*amp,255.0*amp);}patterns.push_back(patternP);}}#if 0for(unsigned int i=0; i<patterns.size(); i++){std::stringstream fileNameStream;fileNameStream << "pattern_" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << i << ".bmp";cv::imwrite(fileNameStream.str(), patterns[i]);}#endif





如果P=0,则为第1张条纹图,用第一行每一列数(从0到1023)转换的格雷码值的 第10 位值去填充该列像素灰度值,












function [P,offset] = graycode(width,height)% % Define height and width of screen.
% width  = 1024;
% height = 768;% Generate Gray codes for vertical and horizontal stripe patterns.
% See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_code
P = cell(2,1); %胞元
offset = zeros(2,1);
for j = 1:2% Allocate storage for Gray code stripe pattern.if j == 1N = ceil(log2(width));offset(j) = floor((2^N-width)/2);elseN = ceil(log2(height));offset(j) = floor((2^N-height)/2);endP{j} = zeros(height,width,N,'uint8');% Generate N-bit Gray code sequence.B = zeros(2^N,N,'uint8');B_char = dec2bin(0:2^N-1);  %十进制转二进制for i = 1:NB(:,i) = str2num(B_char(:,i));endG = zeros(2^N,N,'uint8');G(:,1) = B(:,1);for i = 2:NG(:,i) = xor(B(:,i-1),B(:,i));end% Store Gray code stripe pattern.  B = repmat(A,m,n)  B 由 m×n 个 A 平铺而成if j ==1 for i = 1:NP{j}(:,:,i) = repmat(G((1:width)+offset(j),i)',height,1);endelsefor i = 1:NP{j}(:,:,i) = repmat(G((1:height)+offset(j),i),1,width);endendend




// Generate Gray codes.     格雷码在生成时 通过sl_scan_cols和sl_scan_rows的状态来判断生成行还是列条纹图案 int generateGrayCodes(int width, int height,     //以1024 * 768为例IplImage**& gray_codes,    int& n_cols, int& n_rows,int& col_shift, int& row_shift, bool sl_scan_cols, bool sl_scan_rows){// Determine number of required codes and row/column offsets.if(sl_scan_cols){                            //判断是生成哪种条纹n_cols = (int)ceil(log2(width));         //n_cols  格雷码的张数,即格雷码的最小宽度   n_cols=10 ;ceil是求大于该数的整数col_shift = (int)floor((pow(2.0,n_cols)-width)/2);       //列偏移量  比宽度多出来的?  col_shift=0;foolr是求小于该数的整数}else{n_cols = 0;col_shift = 0;}if(sl_scan_rows){n_rows = (int)ceil(log2(height));      //ceil(9.58) = 10 =n_rowsrow_shift = (int)floor((pow(2.0,n_rows)-height)/2);      //行偏移量 row_shift = floor((1024-768)/2)=128}else{n_rows = 0;row_shift = 0;}  // Allocate Gray codes.   分配内存  gray_codes = new IplImage* [n_cols+n_rows+1];   //为什么要加1?加一张白色图案for(int i=0; i<(n_cols+n_rows+1); i++)  //i<21gray_codes[i] = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);   //创建n_cols+n_rows+1 = 21张空图像内存,其中第一张为 全白图案int step = gray_codes[0]->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);  //widthStep=图像的宽度*通道数,即每一行需要的内存长度;step即每一行有多少个uchar类型的数据// Define first code as a white image.cvSet(gray_codes[0], cvScalar(255));// Define Gray codes for projector columns.    投影仪的列         三层循环!!!for(int c=0; c<width; c++){for(int i=0; i<n_cols; i++){     //i从0到9共循环10次,一行的每一像素都要循环10次,每循环一次就是对每一张图像的操作uchar* data = (uchar*)gray_codes[i+1]->imageData;       //data指针 指向格雷码图像的数据的地址if(i>0)  //从第二张图案开始  data[c]是一维数组,只能放一个值,应该是0或者1data[c] = (((c+col_shift) >> (n_cols-i-1)) & 1)^(((c+col_shift) >> (n_cols-i)) & 1);//先右移后与   i=1时,c分为3个部分,0-255,255-767,768-1023,编码分别为0,1,0 elsedata[c] = (((c+col_shift) >> (n_cols-i-1)) & 1);    //如果i=0时,c<=511,data[c]=0,c>511,data[c]=1//col_shift的作用:如果投影仪尺寸为912*1140,n_cols为10,则在编码时是以1024位来进行编码的,以c=0为例,会导致0-511=0,512-912=1,左右不等长//所以仍需要以512为中心,通过将0-912后移56变为56-968,这样512则变为了中心,左右编码位数相等。//像素值全部乘以255data[c] *= 255;  for(int r=1; r<height; r++)     //得到一行的编码后执行的平铺操作 data[r*step+c] = data[c];    //r*step为每一行所占的内存}}// Define Gray codes for projector rows.       投影仪的行for(int r=0; r<height; r++){for(int i=0; i<n_rows; i++){uchar* data = (uchar*)gray_codes[i+n_cols+1]->imageData; //格雷码的行列图案数据内存地址是连续的  if(i>0)data[r*step] = (((r+row_shift) >> (n_rows-i-1)) & 1)^(((r+row_shift) >> (n_rows-i)) & 1);elsedata[r*step] = (((r+row_shift) >> (n_rows-i-1)) & 1);data[r*step] *= 255;                   //data[r*step] = data[r*step]*255for(int c=1; c<width; c++)data[r*step+c] = data[r*step];   }}// Return without errors.return 0;






i=0时,编码方式为(((c+col_shift) >> (n_cols-i-1)) & 1);









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