1. You will use a boot loader like LILO to operate the boot process.您可以用一个象LILO 这样的加载程序执行引导过程。

www.ibm.com2. If you're starting fresh, you can jump straight to the Configuring LILO section.如果是要进行全新安装,那么直接跳转到配置LILO那一节。

www.ibm.com3. LILO halting at this point indicates the second stage boot loader could not be executed.LILO在此处停止表示第二阶段引导加载程序不能被执行。

www.ibm.com4. Unlike with LILO, you can include spaces in this name.与LILO不同,在这个名称中可以有空格。

www.ibm.com5. For example, you might use LILO in one partition to chain load GRUB in another partition in order to access the GRUB menu for that partition.例如,您可能需要使用一个分区中的LILO链式加载另一个分区中的GRUB,以便访问该分区中的GRUB菜单。

www.ibm.com6. LILO has no interactive command interface, whereas GRUB does.LILO没有交互式命令界面,而GRUB 拥有。

www.ibm.com7. The stage 2 loaders used in LILO and GRUB allow you to choose from several operating systems or versions to load.LILO和GRUB 中使用的阶段2加载程序允许从几个操作系统或版本中选择其中之一。

www.ibm.com8. It can boot Linux using LILO when it is part of the boot sector, not the MBR.它是启动引导块的一部分,而不是MBR,所以可以用LILO 来引导启动。

article.yeeyan.org9. To add a LILO entry for chain loading another partition, such as this GRUB partition, you can add an entry such as the one in Listing 4.要添加一个LILO条目以链式加载另一个分区,比如这个GRUB分区,可以添加一个类似清单4 的条目。

www.ibm.com10. See many additional resources on GRUB, LILO, and related topics in the Resources section later in this article.有关GRUB、LILO和相关主题的更多内容,请参阅本文后面的 参考资料部分的内容。

www.ibm.com11. When GRUB initially loads, like LILO it loads its first stage from the MBR.与LILO 类似,当GRUB初始加载时,从MBR加载第一阶段程序。

www.ibm.com12. LILO stores information regarding the location of the operating systems it can to load physically on the MBR.LILO 将关于可以引导的操作系统位置的信息物理上存储在MBR 中。

www.ibm.com13. With LILO, make sure that you've figured out how to pass kernel boot options before continuing, and create a new "emergency" LILO boot option if necessary.如果使用LILO,则确保在继续下一步之前,您已知道如何向内核传递启动选项,必要时,还要创建一个新的“紧急”LILO启动选项。

www.ibm.com14. It can also use a password encrypted with the MD5 algorithm as opposed to the plain text password of LILO.它还使用一个通过MD5算法加密的密码,而不是LILO的纯文本密码。

www.ibm.com15. This will use the current LILO defaults and splat anything that is currently in the MBR.这将使用当前的LILO默认值,抹去MBR中当前所有内容。

www.ibm.com16. Listing 5 shows an example from the same system that you saw above for LILO.清单5展示了上面用于LILO 的系统的一个示例。

www.ibm.com17. Now let's look at two of the more popular boot loaders: LILO and GRUB.现在来看两个较为流行的引导加载程序:LILO和GRUB。

www.ibm.com18. This is a bitmap image that will be displayed instead of the more traditional LILO text prompt, as shown in Figure 2.这是一个位图图像,将用于代替传统的LILO文本提示,如图2 所示。

www.ibm.com19. If LILO stops here, there were problems loading the second stage boot loader.如果LILO停止在这里,那么是在引导第二阶段引导加载程序时出现了问题。

www.ibm.com20. You can use GRUB or LILO to pass parameters to the kernel to control the way that your kernel starts the system once it has been loaded by the boot loader.您可以使用GRUB或LILO来将参数传递到内核,控制内核被启动加载程序加载后启动系统的方式。

www.ibm.com21. However, read about Configuring LILO to make sure you are able to boot up as expected.不过,请阅读配置LILO,以确保能够按预期引导起来。

www.ibm.com22. There are a fair number of parameters you can specify when running LILO like we did.当像我们那样运行LILO时,有很多参数可以指定。

www.ibm.com23. Likewise, if you're adding a new distribution to an existing system, you may need to make sure you have the latest LILO or GRUB in your MBR.同样,向现有系统添加新发行版时,可能需要确保您的MBR中拥有最新的LILO或GRUB。

www.ibm.com24. You will also need a fairly recent version of either GRUB or LILO if you plan to boot from an LVM or RAID disk.如果您打算从LVM或RAID磁盘引导,也需要拥有比较新的GRUB或LILO版本。

www.ibm.com25. LILO does not support booting from a network, whereas GRUB does.LILO不支持网络引导,而GRUB支持。

www.ibm.com26. As you can see, GRUB references the media in a different way than LILO.可见,GRUB引用介质的方式与LILO不同。

www.ibm.com27. If prompt is not specified in the lilo.conf, this parameter is ignored.如果在lilo.conf没有指定prompt,那么这个参数就会被忽略。

www.ibm.com28. It will boot FreeBSD, though some customization work is required in the LILO configuration file.它可以启动FreeBSD,但是需要在LILO配置文件里做一些必要的定制。

article.yeeyan.org29. The boot problem is hopefully now resolved and your normal LILO or GRUB options will get the system up and running但愿现在已经解决了引导问题,并且可以使用正常的LILO或GRUB选项启动和运行系统。

www.ibm.com30. The boot problem is hopefully now resolved and your normal LILO or GRUB options will get the system up and running但愿现在已经解决了引导问题,并且可以使用正常的LILO或GRUB选项启动和运行系统。

www.ibm.com31. exe or LILO has loaded the kernel into memory and passed control to it.exe或者lilo将核心载入内存并将控制传递给它。

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考32. The choice of the boot loader, usually either Lilo or Grub, is immaterial to the proposed scheme引导装载器的选择,通常不是 Grub,对提议方案来说是无关紧要的。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供


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