
module "/Users/lin/Documents/web前端/webpack4-learning/webpack-vue/src/components/IsAsyncDemo.vue"
Already included file name '/Users/lin/Documents/web前端/webpack4-learning/webpack-vue/src/components/IsAsyncDemo.vue' differs from file name '/Users/lin/Documents/web前端/webpack4-learning/webpack-vue/src/components/isAsyncDemo.vue' only in casing.The file is in the program because:Imported via './IsAsyncDemo.vue' from file '/Users/lin/Documents/web前端/webpack4-learning/webpack-vue/src/components/AsyncComponent.vue'Root file specified for compilationRoot file specified for compilationVetur(1261)


如果还不行,可以尝试下重启vscode,这个问题通常是 vscode 引起的,一般是你很快的重命名了自己的文件。

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