
Keeping track of time spent on client work can be difficult, especially if you have multiple projects going on at one time. And if you’re like me, moving from project to project throughout the course of the day, it’s virtually impossible unless you have a system in place.

跟踪花费在客户工作上的时间可能很困难,尤其是如果您同时进行多个项目。 如果您像我一样,在一天内从一个项目移到另一个项目,那么除非您拥有一个系统,否则几乎是不可能的。

Even if you’re not billing per hour on a project, it can be invaluable to track your time. Knowing how long everything takes you:

即使您不是按小时计费,跟踪时间也是非常宝贵的。 知道一切要花多长时间:

  • Makes your estimates more accurate使您的估算更加准确
  • Allows you to have a consistent way to track the time of subcontractors or employees使您能够以一致的方式跟踪分包商或员工的时间
  • Provides a documented accounting of your time should you ever need it 提供您需要的时间记录文件
  • Helps you improve your personal productivity帮助您提高个人生产力

Here are seven time tracking tools to help you manage your time more effectively:


1. Time Tracker This is a fairly simple but very functional timer. You can create multiple projects and have multiple tasks for each project. It’s easy to use with the punch-in and punch-out feature, and it’s free. For Mac OS X 10.4+.

1. 时间跟踪器这是一个相当简单但功能非常强大的定时器。 您可以创建多个项目,并且每个项目都有多个任务。 它易于使用,具有冲入和冲出功能,并且是免费的。 对于Mac OS X 10.4+。

2. Easy Time Tracking Easy Time Tracking is a very robust application that offers time tracking and a lot more. It has the ability to generate invoices, manage multiple projects and tasks, and create reports. It also supports multiple users with access to the same accounts.

2. 轻松的时间跟踪轻松的时间跟踪是一个非常强大的应用程序,它提供了时间跟踪以及更多功能。 它具有生成发票,管理多个项目和任务以及创建报告的能力。 它还支持具有相同帐户访问权限的多个用户。

3. Bill4Time Bill4Time is a web-based tool that incorporates billing, project management and even integrates with your accounting software. It provides mobile access and a desktop widget so you can track your time wherever you are.

3. Bill4Time Bill4Time是一个基于Web的工具,它包含计费,项目管理,甚至与您的会计软件集成。 它提供了移动访问和桌面小部件,因此您可以随时随地跟踪时间。

4. TraxTime This Windows-based time tracker offers multi-project management, custom reports and the ability to add a memo to each time entry. You can also customize a number of options including billing codes, military time and time increments.

4. TraxTime这个基于Windows的时间跟踪器提供了多项目管理,自定义报告以及向每个时间条目添加备忘录的功能。 您还可以自定义许多选项,包括帐单代码,军事时间和时间增量。

5. Harvest Harvest creates a workflow that manages your time, logs expenses, and creates invoices. It’s web-based and free for one user and up to three projects.

5. Harvest Harvest创建一个工作流,该工作流可以管理您的时间,记录费用并创建发票。 它是基于Web的,一个用户最多可以免费使用三个项目。

6. DOVICO Timesheet Created mainly for managing employee timesheets and expenses, this web-based application integrates with a few project management tools and can also be installed on your own server.

6. DOVICO时间表主要基于管理员工时间表和费用而创建,该基于Web的应用程序与一些项目管理工具集成在一起,也可以安装在您自己的服务器上。

7. Fanurio This time tracking and billing application was developed for freelancers. It’s a multi-platform desktop app that also produces a number of reports so you can analyze your time across the board.

7. Fanurio此时间跟踪和计费应用程序是为自由职业者开发的。 这是一个多平台的桌面应用程序,还可以生成大量报告,因此您可以全面分析自己的时间。

Many project management and accounting applications also have built-in timers, so you may want to see what you already have and start there. There are also other free tools available and many of the paid applications provide a free trial so you can test them out before making a purchase. So give a few a try and see what fits your workflow the best.

许多项目管理和会计应用程序还具有内置的计时器,因此您可能希望查看已有的内容并从那里开始。 还有其他免费工具可用,许多付费应用程序提供免费试用,因此您可以在购买前进行测试。 因此,尝试一下,看看最适合您的工作流程。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-time-tracking-tools-to-help-you-manage-your-time/



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