
1(10) Listen to the winners of the competition, Jan and Karin, discussing which hotel they’re going to stay at. Choose the correct answer.记分作业四音频 (请点击播放音频)

1、(2.0分)How many hotels can they choose from?

  • A) Two
  • B) Three
  • C) Four

2、(2.0分)How long can they stay in the hotel for free?

  • A) A week
  • B) A month
  • C) A weekend

3、(2.0分)Is the flight included?

  • A) Yes.
  • B) No.
  • C) Yes, but only for a weekend.

4、(2.0分)Which hotel do they prefer?

  • A) The castle hotel
  • B) The ice hotel
  • C) The tree house hotel

5、(2.0分)Why do they choose that hotel?

  • A) Because it looks nice.
  • B) Because it is a once in a lifetime chance.
  • C) Because it is free.




2(2分)________ you a teacher?

  • A) Are
  • B) Is
  • C) Do

3(2分) Excuse me, ________ you speak English?

  • A) are
  • B) does
  • C) do

4(2分) Your uncle's wife is your ________.

  • A) aunt
  • B) sister
  • C) sister-in-law

5(2分) ________ she ________ a new flat?

  • A) Has, get
  • B) Does, have
  • C) Have, get

6(2分) He is ________ than his brother.

  • A) more tall
  • B) taller
  • C) more taller

7(2分) Please serve me ________ soup.

  • A) more some
  • B) some more
  • C) more the

8(2分) It's the ________ longest river in the world.

  • A) ninetieth
  • B) nineth
  • C) nine

9(2分) There are some traffic lights ________ the left.

  • A) on
  • B) in
  • C) at

10(2分) There is ________ milk left in the bottle.

  • A) a little
  • B) a few
  • C) a lot

11(2分) What________ you like to do?

  • A) would
  • B) are
  • C) can








7、 waterfall


9、 grove


A 、山谷

B 、历史

C 、传记

D 、山

E 、小说

F 、漫画

G 、瀑布

H 、杂志

I 、沙丘

J 、小树丛













13(20)Daniel Radcliffe 1________ born in 1990, the year when J.K. Rowling first thought of the now famous Harry Potter. He always wanted to be 2________ actor, but his parents didn’t like the idea. But when he had the opportunity to 3________ Harry Potter his parents agreed and they were very proud 4________ him when the first film came out.

The success of the films 5________ Daniel both rich and famous. But he still enjoys the simple pleasures of life. He 6________ playing guitar and 7________ his favourite football team, Fulham. 8________ present he is working on several stage and film projects. Daniel says that he 9________ to work as an actor for as long 10________ he can.


  • A) is
  • B) was
  • C) were


  • A) an
  • B) a
  • C) the


  • A) take
  • B) do
  • C) play


  • A) of
  • B) in
  • C) for


  • A) make
  • B) have made
  • C) has made


  • A) love
  • B) loves
  • C) is loving


  • A) support
  • B) to support
  • C) supporting


  • A) On
  • B) In
  • C) At


  • A) is going to continue
  • B) continues
  • C) is continuing


  • A) such
  • B) as
  • C) like



14(15) Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

                                                        The Best Towns in the World

Every year a different town wins the High Quality of Life award. Past winners include Gubbio in Italy, Kobe in Japan and Stranda in Norway.

Gubbio is famous for its magnificent main square. It won the award because of its perfect climate, excellent social services and wonderful food. The historical Japanese town of Kobe is famous for its beautiful wooden temples. Kobe won the award because of its cultural facilities, healthy fish diet and clean air. The tiny fishing town of Stranda, with only 4,700 inhabitants, won because of its low levels of crime, free sports facilities and community spirit.

Gubbio and Kobe were not surprise winners. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit both towns every year. But very few people know about Stranda. Stranda is not beautiful because of its history, but because of the mountains around it. In winter they are covered in snow, in spring they are covered in flowers. The people have a very healthy diet of fresh fish and locally produced vegetables. There is no crime and no unemployment. The people are very friendly and when you meet them on the street, in a shop or skiing in the mountains, they always have time to stop and talk.

1、(3.0分)Kobe has free sports facilities.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

2、(3.0分)Gubbio is famous for its good food.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

3、(3.0分)Gubbio has particularly friendly people.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

4、(3.0分)Stranda has very good weather.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

5、(3.0分)Kobe is famous for its architecture.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误



15(15)Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

                                                                   Record Breakers

A class of 17 geography students and their teacher, Sven Olrig, are preparing to set a new world record, for the longest lesson. The current record stands at 24 hours. Mr Olrig says that he has prepared a class that is fun and dynamic, and there is no danger of anyone going to sleep. The students say that they have prepared plenty of jokes and games to help keep Mr Olrig awake. The local TV station is going to film the class to make sure that no one falls asleep. Parents and friends are sponsoring the class and all the money they make is going to go to the World Wildlife Fund.

Fiorella Bartolucci, 15, from Rome, is training hard to break the pogo stick jumping world record. She spends five hours a day, every day, practicing in her local park. The current record for pogo stick jumping stands at 37.18km in 12 hours and 12 minutes. Fiorella wants to jump over 40km in less than ten hours. A local TV station is going to be showing her record attempt live on TV and all the money made from advertising is going to go to a local children’s charity. “I’ve always loved pogoing,” says Fiorella, “and this record attempt gives me the opportunity to do something I love and help people at the same time.”

Anya Vordermann hated snakes when she was a child, but since she started working in the Cape Town zoo she has changed her mind. “They’re fascinating,” she says, “and beautiful.” But some of them can also be dangerous. “Yes, a lot of the snakes we work with are venomous, but they only attack if they are scared…or hungry.” Anya is planning to spend 70 days in  a cage in the company of more than 50 venomous snakes! She’s hopingto break the world record, which stands at 69 days, and when asked why she was doing it she said, “Well, it’s an experience! And of course, any publicity for the zoo helps.”

1、(3.0分)Sven Olrig’s class has to last more than 24 hours if they want to set a new world record for the longest lesson.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

2、(3.0分)All the students have to be awake during the whole class.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

3、(3.0分)The money made from Fiorella’s record breaking will help some children.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

4、(3.0分)Anya always loves snakes.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误

5、(3.0分)Anya’s attempt may help the zoo become more famous.

  • A) 正确
  • B) 错误




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